Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Soft butter

Cookies Fine salt Rod or 3 teaspoons vanilla. vanilla sugar Eggs ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. Stir in brown sugar, sugar and softened butter together in a bowl. Crack vanillestangen and scratch grains out with the tip of a small knife. Pipe vanillekornene in butter mixture. Beat the egg out and stir it in. mix flour,

Desserts (patisserie) Ground cloves Egg yolk Baking soda ...

Start by turning on the furnace as it first before you start to take things forward to the cake. It must be at 225 degrees. Stir in butter cream together so that it is quick to grab when rouladen are baked finish. Whip eggs and sugar light and frothy. Mix th

Mains New Danish potatoes Pepper Salt ...

The cabbage cut into strips and the carrots cut into small pieces. Cabbage and carrots steamed in water in 3-4 my. The peas tilsattes together with lemon zest and chives, and season with salt and pepper. Neck koteletterne FRY in canola oil for about 8 min

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Salt Eggs ...

Stir in butter and sugar well. Stir in brown sugar and eggs in. mix wheat flour along with the vanilla sugar, bicarbonate of soda and salt and toss it in the butter mixture. Add the chocolate and nut kernels. Set of 2 teaspoons dough in tops on a plate with wa

Cakes Coarsely chopped peeled almonds Sugar Vanilla sugar ...

1. cut peel off to fit into the mold, and butter it lightly. 2. Rinse the rhubarb and cut them into 2 cm long pieces. Turn the rhubarb pieces with sugar, potato flour and vanilla sugar and pour it all in the mold. 3. chop flour and butter together and mix su

Mains White balsamic New potatoes Pepper ...

Clean the fish, scrape the scales and mucus of with a knife and fillets the so (or get the fishmonger to do so). Put ørredesiderne on a large piece of allufolie and fold the sides up. Chop the dill and stir it with butter and pressed garlic. Advantage of t

Cakes Cardamom Salt Eggs ...

turn the oven on 225 c (hot air) Warm milk and yeast came in. Mix the other ingredients in. Beat the batter well. Let dough raise lunt in 30 min. Roll out dough and come fill in. Form slugs, brush them with the same thing, so they don't fall together lat

Cookies 1 dl. raisins Coarse salt Vanilla pod ...

1. switch on the oven at 175 degrees. 2. stir in brown sugar, sugar and softened butter together in a bowl. 3. crack vaniliestangen and scratch grains out with the tip of a small knife. pipe vaniliekornene in smørblaningen. 4. beat the egg out and stir it i