Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Soft butter

Cookies Fine salt Bicarbonate of soda Eggs ...

Stir the soft butter and sugar well together, then stir the dough and egg in. Mix wheat flour with vanilla sugar, Natron and Salt. Add the flour mixture to the butter and sugar mixture. Bring chocolate and nuts in and mix well. Put with 2 tablespoons the

Sides Soft butter Corn on the COB Salt ...

Mix the soft butter with salt. Rub it into the corn flasks. Came the flasks in tin foil and grill them in my 8-10.

Cakes in form Cacao Soft butter Milk ...

Stir the butter and sugar well together. Add the eggs one at a time and stir well each day. Mix flour baking soda, cocoa and vanilla sugar together and stir in the dough alternately with the milk. Pour the dough into a small SMURT pan (25X30cm) and place the c

Midnight snacks 1 since. baked beans Chopped spring onion leaves Salt ...

Heat 2 tbsp. Oil in a saucepan. Add onion, garlic and chilli powder and cook for 2 minutes. Dip and add tomatoes and cut them with a knife. Add tomato sauce, mustard, vinegar, worcestershiresauce, sugar and salt. If you use beans, add them now and let it boil

Cookies Oatmeal Whipped cream Sugar ...

- Stir together butter and sugar until it is white and airy. Use a handpiece. - Stir cream and oatmeal in - Mix flour and baking soda and stir in - Bring chopped chocolate in - Use if necessary. Hands to knead well in the bowl - Bring the cake on a ba

Cookies 1 dl. Raisins (pick:d) Coarse salt Vanilla pod ...

1 Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. 2 Stir brown dough, sugar and soft butter together in a bowl. 3 Squeeze the vanilla and scrape the grains with a knife. Stir the vanilla grains in the butter mixture. 4 Turn the egg out and stir it. 5 Mix baking s

Cakes Icing sugar Baking soda Hazelnut ...

Remove the butter from the fridge. Peel carrots and tear them down. Shake hazelnuts dry and zero the peel off and chop roughly. Chop chocolate roughly Chop ginger fine. Mixed carrots, nuts, chocolate, ginger, flour and baking soda. Stir butter, maple syr

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Chopped dark chocolate ...

Melt the chopped chocolate and let it cool a little. Whip butter, sugar and vanilla sugar together with electric whip for 2 minutes. Stir the eggs for a little while, then add the chocolate. Sift flour, salt and baking soda into a bowl. Add nuts and chocol