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Recipes with Skimmed milk

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Parsley Butter ...

Wild-duck breast: Thighs cut from the fur skinned off. The Brown in a pan. Sky, skimmed milk and parsley added and this some gruel is on a low heat for about 1 hour, or to the thighs are tender. Take your thighs up. Add the madkulør and style the gravy to co

Mains Egg white Small onions (chopped finely) Skimmed milk ...

mix the meat with the cooked potatoes are grated on the coarse side of Slaw iron, as well as milk, egg white, spices and maize flour. Let forcemeat pull approximately 10 min before you start to work with it while you can make a. paprika sauce. form tiny meatba

Cakes in form Brown baking soda Oil Eggs ...

oil, fromage frais and sugar is stirred thoroughly, with a hand mixer, add eggs and mix well. Flour baking powder and milk is added and stirred quickly through. place in a cake form lined with baking paper (1 – 1 ½ liters.) Bake at 175 degrees on lower rib

Cold cuts Give Egg whites Salt ...

All ingrediender chopped and stirred together. Pour into a mold and bake in water bath at 200 degrees for approximately 1 – 1 ½ hour.

Cakes in form Skimmed milk Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Vanilla sugar, eggs and sugar, beat well together with a hand mixer. The other ingredients are added, grated squash and mashed bananas till. The batter is poured into a greased springform and bake at 175 degrees c. alm. oven for about 50 minutes. Chec

Desserts (cold) Sweetener Oranges juice thereof Skimmed milk ...

The milk is frozen into a semi-solid mass. Whipped to double volume with an electric beater. EVS. sweetener added to the juice, if necessary. can you tear a little orange peel in. Freeze.

Desserts (cold) Cherry sauce Salt Skimmed milk ...

Water set to boil in a saucepan. When the water is boiling, add the rice grains, which is boiling for 2 minutes, then screwed down for even heat, and the milk in the rice porridge. stir regularly and some gruel is stifled in 30-40 minutes, or until it is thick

Desserts (warm) Salt Eggs Grahams ...

Mix meltyperne with sugar and salt. Stir the yeast into a little of the milk and whisk it into the flour. Add slowly the rest of the milk, then the dough not lumps. Beat the egg and egg whites in finaly. Let dough raise 30 min. Fry small pancakes on a small pa