Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Skimmed milk

Cold cuts Give Egg whites Salt ...

All ingrediender chopped and stirred together. Pour into a mold and bake in water bath at 200 degrees for approximately 1 – 1 ½ hour.

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Boil the potatoes and arrow. Cut the potatoes into slices and the sausages cut into thick slices. Brown the sausages in a dry pan. Add if necessary. a little water. The potatoes Brown on the forehead. The sausages are met again in, add the grof treven

Cold cuts Give Egg whites Salt ...

All ingrediender chopped and stirred together. Pour into a mold and bake in water bath at 200 degrees for approximately 1 – 1 ½ hour.

Mains Pepper Salt Accessories ...

Rinse Tenderloin of sinew and cut them into slices and brown them on the forehead. Take the meat up and Brown the onions together with the pores. Pour it all into a baking dish/pan and add broth. Peppers into cubes, Bay leaves, thyme, salt and pepper are ad

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Pressed garlic ...

De-fat, Brown on all sides and FRY about 15 min. to set a little water so it does not burn on. The account shall be taken of the forehead and the rest covered, while the sauce is prepared. Peberfrugten Sauté a few minutes in the Pan and fry the onions, be a

Cakes Fine salt Eggs (size medium) Raisins ...

18 paragraph Dough: Warm milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Add the beaten eggs, salt, sugar and some of the flour and stir to a smooth mixture. Add the flour, the dough may be kneaded for a light and soft dough. Team possibly. the last meal back. Let dough ra

Bread, buns & biscuits Skimmed milk Coarse salt Sugar ...

Bring the water to a boil and add the 5-kornsblandingen. Let it cook over a low heat and under the lid for approx. 5 min. Pour into draining in a sieve. Stir the yeast into the milk and add the 5-kornsblandingen. Add the other ingredients (keep a little flo

Drinks (cold) A little almond essence Vanilla Skimmed milk ...

Oranges peeled, cut into smaller pieces and put in the freezer 2-3 hours. Oranges, milk, vanilla and SWEET blended until liquid. Poured on high glass and serve immediately with thick straws.