Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Salt Active dry yeast ...

Put the baking mold on the weight and route / add the ingredients in the order described. Program basic browning dark

Desserts (patisserie) Milk Corn flour Butter ...

Start with the cream that goes in the balls. Put milk and vanilla bars (of course with peeled corn) into the sauce pan. Warm it gently and carefully to the milk is almost boiling. Remove the sauce pan from the heat. Whip the plums, corn flour and sugar into

Sauces Pepper Onion Red pepper ...

Chili, pepper and onion chopped very roughly and swirled on a pan for 4 minutes approx. Then all the ingredients come in a blender and blend together into a uniform pure. Indicate if there is a lack of sugar, salt or vinegar tips: Taste like the one

Mains A little chopped parsley Salt Lemon juice ...

The cauliflower is divided into bouquets and placed in a bowl. Water, salt and lemon juice are added to cauliflower. Cover with lid and microwave for 8 minutes. Butter, rasp, egg and parsley mix together and microwave for 1 minute. Distribute over caulif

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Pears cut into thin slices, mushroom in quarts and peppers and onions in rough slices. The thinned spinach is pressed for moisture and chopped roughly. The feta is chopped / cut into small terns. Chop pieces (or fillets) cut into pieces of 2x2 cm and lightly

Sauces "white pepper Tarragon (dried) Lime ...

One finds his cutting board and its freshly cut knives, for now the shellfish will be found. Take a simple mustard and chop it very well, throw it into a small pot together with three tablespoons of vinegar and three tablespoons of water. Now it's time to gri

Base recipes Fresh basil Fresh Parmesan cheese (to be torn) Fresh parsley ...

It all pours and blends .... taste with salt and pepper, be aware that the cheese is very sat, so be careful with the salt. Serve with pasta, sliced ​​sherry tomatoes and pan-fried chicken pieces in mundane bites. More recipes on my blog: http://laekkermad

Soups Pepper Salt Cumin, whole ...

Chop chopped onions and garlic with chilli without the brining. Pumpkins and potatoes are cut into the tern and swirled with. Add the liquid, cumin and freshly ground pepper. Suppe simers for approx. ½ hour. Stav blend for a smooth consistency while adding