Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Cheese Pepper Salt ...

Pasta boils. Chop the onions well and small. Put them in a pan with the oil and put everything else in the pan except the pasta, the cheese and the water let it stand a little and pour the water in. When the pasta is cooked, mix it with the meat and put it

Mains Paprika Pepper Canola oil for lubrication of the dish ...

Shake the mushroom in a saucepan without fat. Add the remaining vegetables and let them sweat with a couple of min while stirring. After that, add the hk tomatoes creme fraiche and concour tomato paste. Heat through and season with chili peppers salt and peppe

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Wheat flour Cardamom ...

The water is lined to the fingertip and the yeast is piped out. It is important that the water is at the right temperature and not too hot or cold. (Also think about the temperature of your becel and egg - The dough itself also needs to be room temperature whe

Mains EVS. a hill mushroom Jævning either corn flour or homemade with wheat flour and water Magarine to frying ...

Mix the peppers, pepper, salt and wheat flour together. Turn the chicken fillets into the flour mixture and pass them on the forehead. Place the fillets in a refractory dish. Put the pickled garlic on the same pan as you have fried the fillets. Then p

Bread, buns & biscuits Crushed caraway Wholemeal rye flour Boiling water ...

1 l. Rye flour with 1 liter of boiling water. Set to cool. Then stir approx. ½ l. Yogurt natural. 25 g. Yeast. 2 tablespoons. Salt and 1l coarse rye flour. Tire with back piece and cover so it does not dry out. Let it rest approx. 36 hours v. Room temp.

Sauces Salt Good beer Bouillon cube ...

In a pan, the oil is heated. The chili choko magic comes in and sits for 30 seconds, after which tomato, coffee and beer are brought in. Already a fragrance smells between a children's birthday and Christmas eve. Chipotlechilien, broth the dice, and the choco

Cakes Salt Sugar Baking soda ...

Melt butter and stir with sugar, vanilla and dough until it becomes creamy. Whip the eggs lightly and mix them with oatmeal. Mix flour, salt and baking soda and knead it in the dough a bit at a time. Chop the chocolate into large pieces and put it together wit