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Recipes with Salt

Mains Løgkompot Pepper Rye flour ...

Onion compot: Onion and red onions are cut and swirled in a little butter / oil on a pan until soft. Add dijon mustard, capers and cream. The compote is cooked to give a creamy consistency. It is seasoned with salt and pepper and finally added chopped parsley.

Mains Dill Pepper Salt ...

Start turning on the grill ... (the dish can also be cooked in the oven) The juice from a half lemon is mixed with olive oil and dripped over the filler fillets. Fillet fillets are divided into 4 servings and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put the portions

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

First put the potatoes over. Blanches whole leaves from the cabbage. Give the red tuna fillets some salt and pepper. Roll the fillets into the cabbage leaves. Make about 6-8 rolls. Pour water and white wine into a pan. In this the steamed fillets are steame

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Start boiling potatoes or use if necessary. Potatoes from the day before. Mackerel Filets: The fillets are halved and the skinside is scratched. Bring some oil on a very hot forehead and fill the fillets on the skinside. Crisp with salt and pepper. The fish

Mains Pepper Salt Dill ...

Potato chips: Potatoes and vegetables are cut into the tern and boiled tenderly in a saucepan. The water is poured and the whole is mashed with a whip together with 100 g of butter (the moss may be a little rough). The dish is seasoned with salt and pepper.

Mains Herbs (basil, parsley, dill or a mixture of both) Pepper Rice paper/Filo ...

Baked dark rice in rice paper: Cut the fish into thumbs of strips and season with salt and pepper. On one piece Rice paper or filodej alternately add fish pieces and herbs and all combine to form a "spring roll". Rispapir is also used for spring rolls and can

Mains Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Ice-cream: Apricots and carrots pre-cooked blend into a purée. The fillets are spiced with salt and pepper and a thin layer of puree is lubricated on each fillet. The fillets are rolled together and put in a thickened pot. Add a little water if necessary. Fish

Mains Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Chopped onions and half-mushrooms in a pan with a little butter for approx. 1 minute. Add white wine and fish fund and let it boil. In the pan are rolled plaice fillets spiced with salt and pepper. Let the rolls boil for 1 minute, take the saucepan off and