Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Cakes Juice and must by 1 usprøjtet lemon Salt Cinnamon ...

Sweet flour, sunflower oil, salt and just over 1 dl. Lukewarm water for a smooth dough. Form it into a ball and pack it into transparent foil. Leave it rest for approx. ½ hour. Crush the two slopes. Peel the apples, divide them into quarters (remove the ker

Sides Freshly grated parmasan A little olive oil Pepper ...

The potatoes are cut in both. Onions are chopped and sautees soft in olive oil. Add the potatoes, cream and peas and let it be warmed. Whip the eggs and stir them in the pan until the mixture becomes stiff and taste with salt and pepper sprinkle with grated pa

Mains Fill Pepper Pizza spice ...

Peel the potatoes and slice into slices. Mix with cheese salt pepper in a greased ovenproof dish. Pour the cream and put the oven at 200 * for 50 minutes. Take the dish and cover with tomato slices of ham and pizzeria and cheese. Gratin in the oven until th

Cookies Baking powder Eggs Salt ...

Sift flour, deer salt and salt into a large bowl of bowl. Cut the margarine with a sharp knife. Then it crumbles between the fingers to a grit mass. The vanilla rods are flattened along and the grains are scrapped out. They are mixed with the sugar and p

Cakes in form Together the beaten egg Sweetener equivalent to 100 g sugar Cardamom ...

Mix flour, cardamom and salt and crumble the fat in it. Stir lukewarm water and yeast together and add. Add milk, sweetener and egg. Beat the dough well, it must be quite soft. Set to raise for 30 minutes. Place half of the dough in a greased spring form. B

Cakes in form Roasted nut flakes Salt Baking soda ...

The margarine is whipped white and the eggs are added one at a time. The residue is mixed gently. It is poured into a lubricated and meshed edge shape (22 cm). Add 100 g of marmalade to the top of the cake and baking it in the middle of the oven at 180 degrees

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Salt Yeast ...

Eaten together and raised to double size. Shaped into rolls. Raises again approx. 1/2 hour. Brush with coiled egg. Bake approx. 15 min. In the oven at 250 degrees. tips: Instead of water, half water and half milk can be used.

Mains Salt Red onion, thinly sliced Olive oil ...

Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat and season potato cloves and onion until the potatoes are tender for 8-10 minutes, with frequent stirring. Whip egg, cream cheese and salt in a medium sized bowl. Pour them top potato mixture on the forehead. Turn the