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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon peel ...

Onion pills and chopped well. The garlic cloves are peeled and one is chopped fine. Brown the meat slices well on both sides in a mixture of butter and oil, either in a sauté pan or a wide, relatively flat saucepan, to be picked up. Then add the whole ga

Mains Freshly ground pepper Wheat flour Salt ...

The fillet is seasoned and flaked in flour, greased in medium fat until it hardly yields when pressed with the thumb. Let it cool on a plate. Lay the fillet on the spoon slices, they are side by side, butter the honey and roll them over the fillet. Roll the

Mains Breadcrumbs Salt Eggs ...

Pan the chops in egg and rasp. Step them on a forehead for about 3 minutes on each side. Mix in a saucepan of cream with flour, tomato sauce and mushrooms. Pour water and madeira in. Bowl the chops into the sauce, cover with lid and steam them for 20-30 minute

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Tartar garlic cheese, eggs, milk, flour, salt and pepper are stirred for a steady amount. The meat is added and the mass is thoroughly stirred together. Formed into 4 crecettes. Brunette on a hot forehead (do not fry) Crew cakes are wrapped in greased foil and

Mains Freshly ground pepper Capers Horseradish ...

Stir the meat to a farmer with broth, egg, salt and freshly ground pepper. Form them into large flat cobwebs and turn them into raspberries. Stack the cobwebs on a pan about 5 minutes on each side. Put the cranberries on a dish and put a slice of lemon on,

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Mix the meat with salt, pepper, chopped parsley, garlic and pepper. Shape it to fry pan and brown a little on the forehead. The chopped onions are baked in a small saucepan, the peeled tomatoes are added, add broth, taste with salt and pepper. The sauce

Mains Pepper Parsley, chopped Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large pan and add onions, garlic and mushrooms approx. 5 min. Add the veal, let it sweat together. Turn over the rest, taste with salt and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve on rice and decorate with parsley.

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Stir the meat with coarse salt and pepper. Stir flour with egg alternately with milk and reddish flakes. Let the father rest. Form nice cremer and pour them golden in half oil / butter and server vegetables and potato boats.