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Recipes with Salt

Sides Salt Butter Fixed potatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into both put the potatoes in a baking dish in a layer put dabs of butter sprinkle with salt set the dish in the oven at one of the middle ribs baking time: 1 hour at 225 degrees warm turn in the potatoes when the butter is melte

Sides Salt Potatoes Basil ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into both put them in an ovenproof dish, run the rest of the ingridienser in a food processor or chop the dried stuff finely and mix with oil turn down in kartoflene turn around so the potatoes lubricated into set the dish in the

Sides Pepper Salt Fixed potatoes ...

Peel the potatoes cut cut them into very thin slices lay the potato slices on a cloth and press væden of melt half of the butter in a frying pan with slip-letbelægning close taglagt together in the Pan sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste drizzle with a litt

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

boil the potatoes boil the asparagus and arrow in 5 minutes chop the ingredients for the marinade in food processor in a very short time or chop with a knife and stir the marinade together to taste with salt and pepper pour marinadenover potatoes and asp

Sides White pepper Salt Mealy potatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into 2 cm large dice bring the milk to boil pour the potatoes in and boil them until tender on a low heat for 10 minutes stir occasionally to ungdgå that the potatoes gets stuck at the bottom with the samg pepper/salt

Sides Freshly ground pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick slices overcook the potatoes well tender in water without salt drain and steam the potatoes dry rib curly kale leaves and boil them until tender in ½ hour drain well from chop green cabbage with a knife or mash the pot

Sides Pepper Salt Oil ...

boil the potatoes warm butter and oily and arrow on a frying pan flip the potatoes in it so it will be golden on all sides, sprinkle with salt and pepper during the stoning Sprinkle chopped parsley over by serving Tips: servers for meat or green dishes

Sides Pepper Water Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and celery cut them into thick slices Cook both in tender water without salt pour water from steam potatoes and celery and dry mash potatoes and celery with a hand mixer or a whisk karftigt kartofflemoser hot milk and whisk it into the potato