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Recipes with Salt

Lunch Broth Pepper Salt ...

cut the top off and hollow-out the tomatoes with a teaspoon. Forcemeat is stirred well, it should be fixed ... Come on dad's in the hollowed-out tomatoes, top it up a bit. Style tomatoes in a tærtefad ... Stir together broth and pour it into the dish at the

Cakes Egg white of a beaten egg Tesukker Cardamom ...

The milk until it is hand warm, lunes and dissolve the yeast in it, after which all the ingredients thoroughly kneaded together into a uniform dough that attaches to the uplift on a warm place for 15 minutes, uncovered. Portion dough into 2 equal parts, whi

Desserts (warm) Salt Cardamom Oil ...

Dissolve the yeast in a little warm rice drink and of rismælken. Add the melted margarine, oil and the other dry ingredients. Add the rest of the rice drink, but be sure to avoid lumps. Bake on commonly. Gives approximately 30 pieces Tips: The recipe can a

Appetizers Dill Lollo bionda Pepper ...

mozzarella cheese sprinkled on a sliplet pan so it has a size of a cake plate but with gaps in between so it looks like a coarse structure is melted so that the cheese is golden came immediately the cheese over an inverted glass of water and let it cool then y

Appetizers Lemon Cream frische Dill ...

beat pancake batter good together and put wax paper in a baking pan pour the batter in and behind it in a ½ hour at 200 g it looks like a moon base but calm it falls down and is to When pancake has been snug smear one cheese with cremfraisen on and lay the sa

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Oil Water ...

warm water and rest in ældt the dough well form came to 3 fluts immediately raised in a 45 min in a warm place brushed with water or egg can be sprinkled with different seeds by scratches before they are put into the oven Bake at 200gi about 25-30 my Tip

Cakes Salt Whole milk Sugar ...

Melt the fat mix it with the milk cool it a little before the yeast stirred into a little of the lukewarm liquid. Add the flour, sugar, salt and knead the dough until it is glossy and smooth. style dough to uplift a ½ hour. Roll it out on a lightly met spri

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

stir well and let it stand inside stuffing in the refrigerator for about ½ hour. scroll a scroll butte dough out and brush it with an egg in the edge spar not with genuine put so forcemeat in the middle on and if you have a little red, yellow, green pepper so