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Recipes with Red wine

Mains EVS. chopped parsley for garnish Pepper Salt ...

Cut red onion into small pieces, celery slices and celery into cubes. Warm the oil and butter up in a large frying pan. (Including Brown shoulder later.) Pour the herbs in and fry over excessive heat, for it has been color. Cut apples with Peel into small p

Soups (to be used 1 dl of this Fund) (to be used 2 dl of this Fund) Brown Fund ...

Hummeren blended with a pointed knife in the middle of the head shield (although it still spræller, is the dead) The 2 claws and tail broken off, the Brown sharply in the oil. (Head is saved) Brown Fund: the legs cut into smaller pieces, the Brown in the ov

Mains Carrot into slices Oil Celery in small cubes ...

Com meat, onion, celery, carrot, juniper berries, thyme, garlic and red wine in a freezer bag and let it soak in refrigerator for 24 hours. Take the meat up, Pat it dry in paper towel and saute it in oil in a large frying pan to it have taken color. Brine, her

Mains Bacon to decorate with Fat for frying Pepper ...

Game meat that is cut into smaller pieces, sauté and add about ½ L of red wine, let it småsurre for about 10 minutes along a little salt and pepper, and garlic (2fed)- 3-4 carrots cut into smaller pieces and add venison casserole. After about 20 min adde

Mains Bay leaf Red wine Peppercorn ...

Pour boiling water on the Pearl onions and let them soak about 5 minutes. Arrow them. clean mushrooms. Peel parsley roots and cut them into thin slices. Wash the cherry tomatoes. Cut the meat in tern 2 x 2 cm and 1 cm's thickness. Serve whole on a platter.

Mains Broth (possibly water + cube) EVS. milk EVS. red wine ...

Remove the coarsest membranes and tendons from hove, clubs and back. Crack your back a few places. Put the Hare in a marinade of ½ red wine and 1/3 water, Bay leaves and Juniper Berry about 1 day. Dry pieces of hare and bind fat slices of them. Brown them in t

Mains Bay leaves Marjoram Pepper ...

The meat is cleaned well of sinew and membranes. The meat is dried and rubbed with a mixture of salt, crushed pepper, crushed bay leaf and Marjoram. Brown the meat in melted butter with onions and carrots. When the meat is browned, add tomato pureen. Add ga

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Plaster the flesh free of sinew and put it in a suitable dish. Chop onion and celery, stir the marinade together and pour it over the backs. Let them marinate for 8 hours like for the day after. Take the meat up, dry and Brown it in plenty of butter in a pa