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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Pork roast is cut by about 1 cm intervals on the underside is made with a sharp knife a sloping "Pocket" at ca. 7 cm in depth. "Pocket" must be approx. 1.5 cm from the ends. half the Timianen chopped together with a clove of garlic and a can of peaches then mi

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs (small) ...

Mix in sausage meat, egg, onion and basillikum and vegetable seasonings with salt and pepper. Cut the forcemeat into 8 equal pieces. Form all father-the pieces as rectangles, and halve all the tomatoes. Advantage of the tomatoes so that there are 4 half on eac

Soups Chinese cabbage Oil Pepper ...

Saute the onion, garlic, Turkey meat and Curry in oil in a pan. Add tomatoes, water, broth and væden from the peaches. Let it boil for 10 minutes then add the cream and let simmer for 5 min. the peaches cut into cubes and place in conjunction with bamboo shoot

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Salmon-stuffed isingfilet: Season isingfileterne with salt and pepper. Cut the salmon into thin slices and place a layer on top of the fillets and roll it along. Put the rollers in a dish and add the stock and white wine. Overdæk with foil and steam them in a

Soups Pepper Salt Curry ...

Arrow and chop the onions fine. Fry them for 5 minutes in a pan with the butter, without taking colour. Add the curry powder, garlic and finely ground tomatoes. Stir in the cream and pour it out broth in. Let it all get a rehash. Cut the fish into small "bi

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

mix sugar, salt, wheat flour together, add the milk and beer pipes well beat the 4 eggs in and stir together and make pancakes filling: boil the eggs should be hard-boiled when they are chilled by arrow and notch them Sauce: melt the butter and add the flou

Sauces Finely chopped dill Finely chopped capers Finely chopped parsley ...

Mayonnaise and sour cream is stirred with salt and pepper. Mix with the finely chopped herbs to a wonderful Green sauce.

Midnight snacks Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Whisk eggs with 2 tablespoons. water salt pepper and FRY on pan. MOSS Kaikan fork until it is spreadable, add salt pepper and lemon juice. Grate the bread. Butter avocado bog on. Put a piece of egg mass of each piece of bread and the shrimp and tomato came