Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Lunch Wheat flour Garlic Chinese cabbage ...

Cut the salmon into strips in size as to goulash. Got flour, salt and pepper and, if desired. herbs to taste in a plastic bag. Stuffed salmon strips in the bag and shake it so that the flour is distributed evenly on the salmon. Heat the oil in a small saucepan

Sides Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Cut lettuce into thin strips and dip them in the frying mixture. Deep fat FRY salad in very hot Virgin olive oil or other vegetable oil, and let them become Golden, before the drips of on Fryer-paper and serve them warm.

Sides Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Abundant olive oil-at least 3/4 l-overheat in a saucepan. The cucumber peeled and chopped. The potatoes peeled and cut into slices together with zuchini, Aubergine and carrot. Remove frøstolen from peberfrugten and cut the meat into strips. Picking the cabbage

Lunch Frying oil Pepper Salt ...

Water and butter are boiling up, sprinkle in flour and stir into a batter. Should drop the pan. Take it off the heat and whisk in the eggs one by one. Turn cautious cheese stiftpiskede egg white in Turn in. and molded into small buns. Cooker (a few at a

Salads Green/yellow/red pepper A little crushed garlic Corn u. wetness ...

For the salad cooked rice. The mix with the vegetables and pour the marinade over.

Mains Muskatnøtnød Pepper Salt ...

The cheese is stirred with piskefløden. Add the spinach and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Lubricated on the pancakes, put the salmon on and scroll. Put in a greased casserole dish. Riveosten came over. Warmed in the oven 15-20 minutes.

Sides Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

For potato souffléen blended the innards from the baked potatoes with sour cream, eggs and broth and season with salt and pepper. The bog is distributed in 4 well lubricated portion moulds and bake for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Sides One clove pressed garlic Pepper Salt ...

Scrub and boil good 1 kg asparagus or small pillekartofler in salted water for they are just tender. Take them up and arrow them. It doesn't matter, they will be cold at first, then it is not so difficult. Melt a large knob of butter in a very large Saute pan