Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Peas

Mains Lots of chopped parsley Pepper Salt ...

Pat the meat dry with paper towels. Boil 3 cups of water in a large pot. Add the meat a little at a time. Add the onion, garlic and bacon cut into cubes. Season with salt and pepper. Put lid on and cook right on a low heat for about 10 minutes. Scrape the skin

Mains Minced parsley Salt Small cauliflower head ...

All vegetables be able and cut into appropriate pieces. Blom cabbage into larger bouquets. 1 ½ cup of water is poured into the Pan, hulindsatsen made on the bottom and vegetables added layered herein. Close the pot and cook for 5-6 minutes. Cool the pan. Close

Salads Wholemeal bread Finely chopped leek Finely chopped carrot ...

Heart salad rinsed well and the outer leaves are added to the page. The inner leaves are placed nicely on the plate. Bacon roasted well of and added eventually leek, lettuce leaves and carrot cubes. This is warmed through. Serve nicely on the plate together wi

Salads Lemon Dill Pepper ...

Let the shrimp thaw, if using frozen. Pour the væden from the asparagus and let them drain. Serve air-dried salad, shrimp, asparagus, peas and bean sprouts in a bowl or a dish with low margins. Stir in sour cream with a bit of asparagus bed sheet and sea

Salads Lemon juice Fresh finely chopped or clipped herbs Pepper ...

Cut the Turkey Breast in small pieces and grate it in a pan with salt, pepper and lemon juice. The pasta is cooked according to instructions on the bag and cool under the cold faucet. Fine peas tøes up, dripping by and mixed in along with the Turkey meat. Cut

Salads Pepper Salt Oil ...

Cut the potatoes into cubes, soy sausages and peberfrugten. Chop the onion and cfire. Taste the dressing with tomato puree. Mix it all together.

Salads Peas Vegetables after taste: e.g. Carrots ...

cold pasta mixed with melon and vegetables. Dressing: Crumble feta in a bowl and mix it with sour cream, got the other two things in and mix so that the dressing into pasta salad. Can also be used with Power dressing alone, but find yourself up to your m

Salads Chopped dill Grated Apple Salt ...

On a large dish served vegetables in stripes. Stir well and pour the dressing over the vegetables.