Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Peas

Mains Oil or frying fat to udbagning Pepper Salt ...

The rice is boiled in salt water 10 minutes, sieve and cool. Rice stirred together with butter, saffron, parmesan and eggs. Made cold. Kyllingeleveren cleaned and cut into fine cubes. Onion and garlic peeled and cut into fine cubes. The oil heats and sauté oni

Sides Parsley Peas Beans ...

the vegetables cut into cubes and place in a pot of lightly salted water. Start with the vegetable you want to cook the longest. When all the vegetables are cooked, not too tender, pour in a strainer. Make a thick white sauce of half milk and half vegetable wa

Mains 2 tomatoes Parmesan Pepper ...

Heat a bit of olive oil in a deep pan and grate the pressed garlic map. Add the cream and let it cook into some minutes. Cut the cheese into cubes and melt it in the cream at very low heat. Season with salt and pepper. Add the thawed peas and shrimp, they only

Appetizers Peas Cayenne pepper Lemon ...

The flesh peeled from the chicken and cut into cubes. Bladsselleri pineapple and cut into cubes. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise and spices together. The mixture may well taste of something then the other ingredients are fresh in taste. Let the mixture stand for

Mains Peas Parsley Salt ...

Chop the peeled onion coarsely and sauté them in butter on the forehead. Peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them into thin slices. Put it in the roaster together with the pork gennemfugtede onions. Sprinkle the cumin, paprika, marjoram and salt between the

Mains White pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cut the mackerel fillets and rinse them in part each fillet in 2-3 pieces and sprinkle them with salt. Cut the carrots into slices and part b the cabbage into small bouquets. Put fish, vegetables and chopped parsley in the gennemfugtede roaster. Sprinkle salt

Mains Butter Cauliflower head Breadcrumbs ...

Comb in the pig came gennemfugtede clay pot. Add water and let the meat mørne at 220 degrees for about 70 minutes. Boil peas and carrots with in the last 15 minutes. Served a boiled cauliflower head, who served on a round dish with peas and carrots placed arou

Mains Wheat flour Parsley Butter ...

Let the butcher parts veal tails. Put them in the gennemfugtede roaster. Pour the broth by and possibly. salt. Let them mørne at 200 degrees for about 2 hours. The last quarter should the petty vegetables cook with. Smooth the sauce with flour and got a dollop