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Recipes with Grated nutmeg

Cakes in form Grated lemon zest + juice Grated nutmeg Salt ...

All the dry ingredients are mixed together. Oil, egg, carrot, pineapple and nuts stirred together next. The dry ingredients into cake batter, and stir thoroughly together for about 5 min. Butter a cake form or roasting pan with fat, or getting wax paper in

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Especially the potatoes to boil in lightly salted water. Cut each file in 4 pieces. Put 2 and 2 together files with a slice of cheese and a slice of ham in a while. Turn them in beaten egg and then bread crumbs. Rose files in the margarine in a pan for a

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Heat oven to 180 ° c. put the fish in a baking dish with 3 dl milk and butter and bake for 15 minutes. Take the fish out of the milk gently. Pour the milk into a sauce pan. Share the fish into large pieces and place it in a baking dish. Sprinkle the prawns

Sides Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Cut cabbage coarsely, and boil it in salted water 8-10 minutes. Boil the milk up, and smooth with cornstarch in a little cold water udrørt. Boil the sauce thoroughly. Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Turn the cabbage in. Simmer a few minutes stirring. T

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

RIDs the fat on the beef tyndstegen. Brown it in a frying pan in butter and oil on all sides and season with salt and pepper. Set the saw in a small ovenproof dish and place the dish in the oven at 180 ° c. Set a frying thermometer from the side into the middl

Mains Cayenne pepper A package fresh lasagna sheets Herbes de provence (oregano or thyme can also be used) ...

The onion chopped and sautéed in a little sugar (for later to enhance flavor of the second). Add the meat and Brown. Add tomato (chopped and puree), garlic and various spices. There may need to add some water, because it is best if the gravy now are allowed

Appetizers Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Brokkoli steamed for about 5 min be taken up and drips off. eggs whipped together and mixed with Cream finen. season with salt and pepper, pour in a suitable form and bake for 45 min in a waterbath at 150 degrees made for cooling. hvoefter it served on a platt

Mains Grated nutmeg White cabbage Salt ...

Cut the cabbage boil it in 5-8 minutes in water with salt. Shake flour and 1 ½ dl milk for a jævning add the same with the rest of the milk, let the cabbage boiling through a few minutes add the butter to dry little parsley in addition to Tips: season w