Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Flour

Mains A few sprigs of thyme A few Bay leaves Reven should of 1 lemon ...

Cut veal slices into the edge and cut the onions in slices. Mix the flour, slat and pepper. Turn the meat in it. Brown them in oil in a pan. Brown the sliced onions. Came skankeskiverne in the Pan, pour the white wine and boil into a few minutes. Stir in pe

Cookies Finely grated must of ½ lemon Eggs Baking soda ...

Mix the flour, baking powder, sugar and ground almond in a bowl and crumble the butter into. Add vanilla sugar, lemon peel, eggs and rum, and knead the dough together into a ball. Wrap it in foil, and let the rest cool 1-2 hours. Stir the glaze together.

Cookies Apricot jam Almond flakes Eggs ...

Crumble the butter into the flour. Add the sugar and eggs, and knead the dough together. Roll dough into a sausage and slice it into 40 pieces. Roll the balls into small balls, and make an indentation in Center of each. Got a little dollop of apricot jam and a

Cookies Sugar Butter Peeled almonds ...

Crumble the butter into the flour, and add the sugar. Smut tonsils. Chop the almonds and Seville oranges should be fine, and getting it into the dough. Knead the dough lightly together and roll it in ca. 4 cm. thick rods. Put them in the refrigerator at least

Cookies Torn shell of 1 lemon Egg white Icing sugar ...

Chip Walnut kernels finely, if applicable. in blender. Stir in butter and powdered sugar well. Add the egg white, Walnut kernels, lemon zest and flour and knead the dough together. Let it rest in the refrigerator about 1 hour. Roll the dough into finger-thick

Cookies Egg white Almond flakes Tesukker ...

Mix the flour and baking powder in a bowl and crumble the butter into. Add sugar, cocoa, vanilla, egg yolk and water, and collect the dough. Roll dough into 4 lengths and place them on a baking sheet. Behind them 15-18 minutes at 200 degrees. Cool slightly

Cookies Baking soda Hazelnut kernels Sugar ...

Chop nuts in food processor or finely parsley stutters. Stir in butter and sugar well. Mix the nuts, flour and baking powder in butter and knead the dough together, it seems a bit crumbly at first, but accumulates quickly. Roll dough into sticks and cut the

Cookies Baking soda Egg yolk Vanilla sugar ...

Stir in butter and sugar well and stir in egg yolk and vanilla sugar in. mix flour and baking soda, got it in the batter, mix everything well and knead the dough together. Roll out dough 3-4 cm. thick rods and place them cool for a few hours. Cut the rods i