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Recipes with Flour

Desserts (cold) Eggs Oil Sugar ...

Mix eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar, oil and milk together. Stir it thoroughly, now you should add the flour gradually! Stir for a dough without lumps! A bit delicious! A ball is in every pancake and pretty lovely berries to leak the beautiful side of the! ti

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Chocolate (dark or light) ...

Melt the butter and stir it with the sugar in a bowl. Add the eggs and stir it around. Chop the chocolate and pour the bowl Add baking soda Add the same flour as well. Use your fingers to make it touched together properly. Turn on the oven at 175 degre

Cakes Flour Melted butter Vanilla sugar ...

All ingredients are stirred in the melted butter. Derefte poured into greased spring form. On top, sprinkle may be sprinkled. Loose hands. Bake for 20-35 min. At 175 degrees heat. The cake must be moist in the middle. tips: There is one reason why

Cakes in form Coconut milk Rum with coconut flavor Baking soda ...

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Whip butter and sugar together until it is well mixed. Add coconut milk, egg, cream, flour and baking soda and whisk it until the mixture is even. Stir the pineapple pieces in. Distribute the mixture into the paper and pl

Mains Lasagne sheets Flour Oil (canola or other smagsløs) ...

NOTE Make sure the fish is thawed. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Sauce ---- Chop the garlic and chili fine. Suite approx. 1 min in a pot of hot oil. Now pour garlic and chilli in a bowl and let the pot cool a little. Now make a classic behamelsovs

Cakes Eggs Orange Chia seed ...

3 eggs 270 grams of flour 2½ d. Liter of skimmed milk 2½ d. Liter of buttermilk 1 d. Liter of whitewash 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 pinch of salt 2 teaspoonful honey 2 teaspoon cane sugar Juice from ½ orange orange peel Get drops of lemon juice 1 tablespo

Cakes in form Different decorations for cakes Light Lysholdere ...

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Style muffin shapes ready. Mix all the ingredients in. Stir to the dough is smooth. Distribute the dough into the molds. Bring them to the oven for about 15-20 minutes. Remove the cakes from the oven and ref

Sides Milk Flour ...

Put in the ingredients in a pan and stir it together, raise it until it is light brown. If it does not get brown you can add some milk tips: Good accessory for all meat and fish