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Recipes with Flour

Mains Watercress or parsley Flour Pepper ...

Cut the meat into narrow strips and turn them into salt and pepper mixed flour. Brush them on all sides in butter or oil in a saucepan. Then sliced ​​onions and carrots. Pour broth and let it spin for half an hour or until the meat is tender. Mix the cream

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Season the onions in oil and add the bacon and lemon slice and cinnamon stick. Boil for 10 minutes. Turn the meat in a little flour spice and brown with strong hot water to cover it. Potatoes, leeks, parsley mustard salt and pepper are added. Cook outwards ½ t

Mains Peas Cherry tomatoes Fat for frying ...

Mix mustard in the meat and add if necessary. Garlic add finely chopped parsley, chopped garlic and finely chopped salad flavor Shape for thin steak's, turn in flour spice with salt and pepper rose short on both sides in butter on the forehead Decorate the dis

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Cut the vegetables into small pieces. Pil dropped and stabbed the carnations. The veal loosened from the legs with a sharp knife. Rub with salt and pepper and turn it into flour. Heat the grease in a pan, put the calves and let them brown for 10 minutes. Add t

Mains Pepper Salt Celery ...

Cook the pasta in saltwater approx. 15 minutes and pour into a refractory dish. The liver is turned into flour with spices, lightly lit in margarine and placed over the pasta. Peaches are cut into thin slices, carrots and celery are grated and swirled in oil,

Mains Watercress Fat for frying Flour ...

Turn the liver slices into salt and pepper mixed flour. Step them on both sides of the fat on the forehead. Take them off the forehead and keep them warm. Ko sliced ​​onions and shredded peppers on and let them sniff for a few minutes. Bring half of the bouill

Mains Flour Pepper Salt ...

Slice the meat slices with the back of the hand and turn them into flour, seasoned with salt and pepper. Shake redundant flour and brown meat slices in plenty of butter on both sides. Add the wine, put the freshly ground parmesan on the meat slices and sprinkl

Mains Eggs Fat for frying Flour ...

The meat is shaped into 2 steaks and is spread in flour, egg and rasp. Stir the meat on the forehead for approx. 8-10 on each side at low heat. The tomatoes are quenched and the peppers are cut into smaller pieces. First add the onions golden and then tomato a