Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Flour

Mains EVS. a little nutmeg (grated) Pepper Mushroom ...

The fish fillets are dripped with lemon and draws approx. 10 min. The fish are sprinkled with salt, split lengthwise and rolled together, held together with a toothpick. A poultry is made of white wine, added pepper, laurel leaves and 1 onion in a quarter, boi

Appetizers Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Peel the lid well and chop it in a saucepan with the finely chopped ham. The silver bed leaves are cut and put into the pan and the lid is laid on, it will all simmer for 20-30 minutes. The nuts are dulled and the whole is leveled with the flour and water is a

Appetizers Oil or frying fat for cooking Salt Water ...

Dough: Egg, salt, island! And water is whipped together, the flour is whipped in (must have consistency as pandekagedej). The dough rests for 20 minutes. The wiped snails are dipped in the beignet dough and boiled light brown in the hot fat.

Cakes in form Chocolate Nuts And what imagination otherwise rows to ...

Mix it all in a bowl and pour it into a greased and floured baking cake. The cake is baked in the middle of the oven for 35-45 minutes. At 180-200 degrees.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Milk ...

Whip flour and water together in a bowl. Add the remaining ingredients and leave the dough for half an hour. Pour the dough into thin pancakes on a medium-sized pan. Cut the bottom of the asparagus, rinse them and cook them 5 min. In leachate water. Drain t

Mains Salt Fresh Rosemary Garlic ...

Cut the lamb for approx. 2½ cm thick slices and turn them into flour. Warm the grease and oil in a thickened pot. Brown the slices in it. Add salt, peppers, rosemary and crushed garlic. Take the pot off the heat. Rinse and peel the tomatoes and cut them in

Mains Breadcrumbs Salt Eggs ...

Pan the chops in egg and rasp. Step them on a forehead for about 3 minutes on each side. Mix in a saucepan of cream with flour, tomato sauce and mushrooms. Pour water and madeira in. Bowl the chops into the sauce, cover with lid and steam them for 20-30 minute

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Stir the meat with coarse salt and pepper. Stir flour with egg alternately with milk and reddish flakes. Let the father rest. Form nice cremer and pour them golden in half oil / butter and server vegetables and potato boats.