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Recipes with Flour

Desserts (cold) Isinglass Juice of half a lemon Strong cold coffee ...

This ice composition consists of 3 layers. Bottom layer: dissolve the sugar in the coffee. Eggs and sugar are stirred for skim and the lukewarm coffee sugar solution is stirred. Finally, liqueur is added. After cooling, the spicy whipped cream is reversed and

Desserts (cold) Frozen strawberries Sugar Eggs ...

First, a roulade bottom is baked: The whole egg is whipped with sugar to thick foam. In this case the flour is turned and the dough is lubricated in a piece of paper about 25 x 30 cm. Baking time: approx. 8 min. At fast heat, 250 degrees. Unders cut to l

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon Whipped cream Vanilla ...

parfait: Whip the cream to the foam and set it aside (cool). Acorn syrup is carefully heated with the chopped walnuts and sugar. Add while whipping the vanilla and egg yolks. Whip of heat to the mass becomes well airy. "The mass must not boil". Cool the egg a

Mains Cream or milk Rabbit Flour ...

The rabbit is divided into suitable pieces, brine and fry with water or soup approx. 45 min. Apples and prunes are roasted with the last 15 min. The cloud is leveled with flour, cream or milk and flavored.

Mains EVS. Salt Oil for cooking Boiled hen ...

The chicken is cooked as usual and cut into suitable pieces. The rice is boiled loose in the soup 12 min. Over low heat, 12 min. Without heat, but always covered by tight closing lid. Fat and curry are switched together for 2 min. Chopped onion and grate

Desserts (warm) Palmin, raffinol or oil for baking Raw Apple pieces Vanilla ...

Milk and margarine are brought to the boil. The flour is added at one time and the dough is whipped quickly. The packed eggs are stirred for a while. Finally add cardamom and baking soda. Raw apples are mixed in the dough. The grease is heated to 185 g. A spoo

Mains Pepper Minced parsley Salt ...

The aprons are sprinkled with salt, pulling a 1/2 hour. Dried and sprinkled inside and out with crushed juniper berries, salt, pepper, flour and chopped parsley and grilled approx. Five minutes on each side of the grill. Some juniper berries poured into the

Cakes in form Almond essence Salt Eggs ...

Mix cherry, cherry juice, sugar, maizena, flour and maneless and cook for 15 minutes with low heat. Allow the cold to cool. Easily melt margarine, flour, salt and vinegar together. Whip egg and water together and mix it in the dough. Cover the tart with the fi