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Recipes with Egg white

Cakes in form Raspberry or Strawberry Jam Cold water Almond essence ...

Shortcrust Dough Sieve flour and salt in a large bowl. Add lard and butter and chop it coarsely with a knife. With chilled fingertips, kneaded into the flour to the mixture looks like oily bread crumbs. Add 2 tablespoon cold water and use a knife to mix the d

Mains Black pepper Crushed caraway Salt ...

Kødfyldet: heat the oil in a frying pan and gently fry the onions up therein until they are transparent but not brown. Came the meat that is cut into cubes of approximately ½ cm's size, and Brown it on all sides. Got a little water, raisins, chili pepper, papr

Cakes in form Cocoa Butter Desiccated coconut ...

Dough: butter, egg yolks and sugar are beaten together. Flour and baking powder is stirred into the Dough come together with your hands and pressed; out in a small baking pan (approx 23x33 cm) lined with baking paper. Fill: Hindbærmarameladen distributed on

Cakes in form Egg white Cinnamon sugar Butter or margarine ...

All the ingredients for the dough is kneaded together into a uniform dough. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. The finished kneaded dough rolled out in ca. 3 mm. Thickness, and a well-oiled pie form ca. 22 cm. In diameter covered in b

Candy Pålægschokolade Vanilla sugar Egg white ...

Kokusmel, icing sugar and vanilla sugar mix. In another bowl, Beat egg white quite stiff, and this reversed then over in kokusblandingen. The sticky mass is formed for bread, and put a piece of pålægschokolade. At the top is given as a piece of chocolate, and

Sides Fresh basil Coarse salt Egg white ...

Remember to turn on the oven at 200 gr.:) 1) Unroll the puff pastry finely out 2) Brush with pesto 3) Fold the dough together 4) Roll the dough lightly out, so the sticking together 5) cut the puff pastry into small squares about 4 x 4 cm 6) put the pieces of

Sides Egg white Butter French bread ...

butter French bread slices beat the egg white stiff m. Add the grated cheese and put this blandeing on French bread slices baked light brown in a good hot oven (200) in 5 minutes

Desserts (patisserie) Vinegar or lemon juice Egg white Icing sugar ...

stir all the ingredients together in a bowl