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Recipes with Egg white

Cakes Egg white Jam or fruit pulp Buttermilk ...

Ingredients kneaded together into a uniform dough that is divided into two spheres, sitting on a cold place, preferably in a refrigerator, a couple of hours. The fat must not be softened but have its normal texture. Each ball rolled out in circular shape, c

Desserts (warm) 1-2 tbsp. friskctronsaft Puff pastry Vaniliestang ...

Low 4 circles from puff pastry. Brush the 4 circles with egg white. Peel the apples, cut them into udkern and approximately ½ cm thick both and put them in a nice pattern all the way to the edge of each circle. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar, and pour a litt

Cakes Chopped almonds Tesukker Egg yolk ...

Icing and flour mix. Fat chopped Egg yolk added in., and dough "pinch" quickly together. Be placed in a cool place, if necessary. refrigerate for about 1 hour. Roll out with rolling pin to ½ CM's thickness. Cut into 8 equal squares. Each Apple half packed i

Cookies Egg white Potash Sukat or Seville oranges should ...

the tonsils must be scalded, slipped and chopped fine. Hvedmel, atwel, almonds, sukat potash and Brown cake spice mix well. Margarine and break into pieces in the flour and the dough come together with the egg white. The dough is kneaded well through and rolle

Cookies Cocoa Egg yolk Egg white ...

Chop the fat into the flour. Add sugar, vanilljesukker and egg yolk, and knead the dough quickly together. Portion dough into two parts and knead cocoa in one part. Scroll 2 bars of each potion. Put 1 white and 1 Brown next to each other. Upstairs out t

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Vanilla Egg yolk ...

White chocolate mousse: The chocolate is melted. (Not more than 50 ° c) The eggs are beaten. Melt the gelatine. (The gelatine has been soaked with water and rum for 24 hours.) Eggs whipped over a water bath, so they're airy. Then whipped the gelatine with the

Cakes Coarsely chopped almonds Tesukker Egg white ...

Fat and flour is ground together. The eggs in which the yeast has dissolved, add together with the sugar. The dough is kneaded together quickly. Raises the bar on a not too hot place in approximately 20 minutes. Scrolling through a long, ca. 10 cm. wide rib

Cakes in form Vanilla sugar Corn flour cornstarch Sugar ...

Butter, sugar and egg yolks, stirred together. Flour sifted with baking powder and add alternately with milk. The dough spread out in a greased baking pan 38 x 24 cm. Baking time is approx. 30 minutes at 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Rhubarb is cleaned and cut