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Recipes with Chopped onion

Soups Margarine for Browning/svitsning Comments Marjoram ...

Brown Bacon and sauté the onions in it, when onions are clear, they are taken up along with the bacon, Brown the meat in the fat with paprika, then add the tomato puree flårde tomatoes that are cut into pieces, air-dried pepper, caraway, marjoram, onion and ba

Mains Salt Coriander Carnations ...

Brown the chicken piece, take them up and gently fry the onions in the fat until clear, then add the curry powder and cook with. Add tomatoes, boulion, spices and sour cream. Put the chicken pieces into the dish again, add salt and cover with a lid, let the ti

Mains Margarine for frying Pepper Grated cheese ...

Fry the chopped onion in margarine and then Brown the beef until it is done. At the same time, boiled spagettien (remember the salt and a little oil). The meat is seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic and tomato paste. When it is mixed well together, pour beef ma

Mains Chili Cream for jævning Pepper ...

The meat is cut into appropriate pieces of goulash. Flesh vendesi wheat flour. Brown the meat in a frying pan several times, the roasted meat in a large pot. The chopped onions can be sprinkled over the last portion of meat when it is browned on one side an

Mains Leaf celery, diced Borlottibønner Extra virgin olive oil ...

Boil borlottibønnerne in an hour. Cut the tripe into 8 cm long and 1 cm thick pieces. Sauté onion and garlic in the oil. Add the carrot, celery and chili flakes and stir well. Came white wine and let it boil into. kallunen and beans into accepted Now, along wi

Cold cuts Wheat flour (bake well through) Margerine Chopped liver ...

Low opbagningen of margerine and flour. Add the bouillon bake well through. Add milk and studded melted in it. Then the rest of the ingredients except the together beaten eggs. This added a bit of opbagningen so it heats up slowly and whipped in eventually Pou

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

The fish is cleaned, dry the fish and place it in a well-oiled baking dish. Sprinkle the fish with 2 tablespoons. chopped raw onions, fresh dill sprigs and 50 g. butter. Salt and pepper are distributed to the fish. The dish is covered with aluminum foil and pu

Dressing Cream Minced parsley Minced chives ...

Mash the cheeses and stir with cream for consistency is appropriate. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in onion, parsley and chives to taste i. tyres and style in the fridge ½ hour. Is good for smoked meat.