Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped onion

Sides 2-3 tablespoons sour cream Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Slice the peppers fear into small cubes. Heat oil, fry the onion until it is clear. Stir in vinegar, add the broth in parika., bell peppers, tomato and potato. Mix everything well. Let simmer for 10 minutes. Season with s

Sides Pepper Salt Bacon, diced ...

Bagekartoflerne made in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 1 hour. All the ingredients to mix in the sour cream to the dressing. When potatoes are finished, the udskrabes and the shell are stored. "potato flesh" put in a bowl and moses along with cre

Salads Pepper Salt Cooked cold potato ...

Soak the bread in water. Then the water pressure of the bread and it came in a blender or food-prcessor. Came ROE, potato, onion and lemon juice in and blend it into a smooth mass. Add the olive oil little by little to a creamy consistency. Season with salt an

Mains Chili after taste Cream Oil ...

The shoulder are boned and cleansed of sinew and membranes. The meat is cut into appropriate pieces. Flour, salt, paprika, crushed juniper berries and possibly. chili mix in a plastic bag and meat and bacon added and shake well. The meat is Brown, possib

Soups Chilli powder Chopped onion Butter ...

melt the butter in a saucepan. wait 30 seconds then click hvidløgende and add it 2/Add the tomato paste and water. then heals you little cream at a time to your care. then comes bulionterningernde. Curry and chillipulvert add as you fit yourself to the taste.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

French bread cut free of crusts and pour over with the milk so that the bread softened in milk. Ground beef, white bread, egg, chopped onion, milk, salt and pepper are jumbled together to a father, after which the buns of forcemeat boiled in boullionen.

Sides White wine or grønsagaboullon Coarsely grated carrot Butter ...

part julesalaten in half and remove rootstock melt the butter in a frying pan and soft add carrot onion satur and vinet steam, covered, on low heat for 5 minutes remove the lid and cook still exists in 3 minutes sprinkle with parsley

Sides Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Fry the chopped onion in oil, add the beans and clearly let them sear a little down add hvidløgetdet chopped tomatoes and let the Court Cook on a low heat for 10 minutes sprinkle parsley Tips: season with salt and pepper. servers as an accompaniment for me