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Recipes with Celery

Soups Basil Oregano Pepper ...

Season potatoes, leek garlic and celery in oil for 2 minutes. Add spices and boulion. When it boils turn down 1 and simmer for half an hour. Blend the soup and boil it up. Severes with coarse bread or flute tips: Can be severed with toasted parma ham on to

Sides Celery Vinegar Icing ...

Peel the celery behind it for about 45 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees, cool them and tear it roughly. Mix yoghurt icing vinegar together taste it so it's not too sour to taste like sour cream. Among the grated carrots and celery with yogurt together deco

Soups Paprika Thyme Peppercorn ...

The butter is baked in a saucepan, and the slices are first sliced, add the cleaned and divided vegetables, peppercorns, laurel leaves and thyme and brown on. Add the water, bring to boil and foam thoroughly. Then add salt, peppers and tomato puree and c

Soups Soup chicken Soup may Salt ...

The chicken is done in condition and Rinse carefully. (Frozen chickens do not need to rinse). The hen laid over the fire with so much water that it is covered, and creamed off carefully when it boils. The salt is added, and when the soup is finished foam, a

Breakfast & brunch Chili sauce (mild or hot) Peper Salt ...

The eggs are fried. It is important that one touches around, so they gather into a cohesive mass. They must also chopped in. (some might call it scrambled eggs-it we also thought it would be). When it has become ' scrambled eggs ' poured it out on a plate. Th

Soups Minced parsley Celery Leek ...

Celery cut into cubes and FRY in plenty of oil with 1 tsp. fragrant Oriental curry powder in a saucepan. Then add 2 liters of broth and 11/2 dl rice with short cooking time (solve rice). The glory boils approx. 10-15 my while cut 300 g. delicious cod fillet

Mains A small handful of chopped parsley Kalvefon Mozzarella cheese in brine ...

set the oven at 200 streets (C) Chop vegetables and mix kavlefonen genuine and the kakkede tomatoes together then Mix in beef and leave it for a little while cleans you peberfrugt ener and washes them well so you fill them just with the stuffing and put them

Mains Carrot Leek Celery ...

The fillets sprinkled with a little coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, then added a mixture of fintsnittede fintsnittede leek, celery and thyme, sprinkled over and gullerod to finish a few thin slices of butter. The fillets are moved onto a double piece