Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celery

Appetizers A little margarine Pepper Salt ...

Put the brown beef in a saucepan with a little margarine, cut white cabbage into small pieces, rinse guillemots, potatoes and celery and slice it into smaller pieces, slice ginger and onions in rings. Bring all the vegetables in the pan with the browned dad an

Soups Salt Water Oksebov with legs ...

Place the meat in a large pot, cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Foam for impurities. The vegetables are cleaned / peeled and put all the way down into the soaked soup and boil until they are barely tender. Taken up as they are tender. The vegetabl

Soups Fresh chopped parsley Olive oil Pepper ...

Peel all the vegetables and shake earthquakes, potatoes and onions in coarse tern. Cut carrots and celery into smaller pieces as they are longer to grow. Season all vegetables in olive oil in a pan until the bulbs are ready, add chicken stock, salt and p

Mains Peas Aspargues Cream ...

Cut celery and potatoes in the tern. Meat pieces are cooked slightly on a pan. Step the celery and potatoes - appropriate. Put small tomatoes on the forehead. Bring peas and carrots on the forehead together with asparagus. Bring cream or cream fry on the

Sides Or 2 patinakker Or 2 parsley roots Pepper ...

Boil it all together until it's darkened - it causes the celery, it takes about 20 minutes, or even with Maizena. tips: This is another version of stewed cabbage and can be used as accessories for meatballs and the like. The celery and other root vegetable

Mains Basil Pigs head Pigs knuckle ...

Get the butcher to fix the pig head. Put the head and shank in cold water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Foam thoroughly. Bring salt, porridge pepper and celery top in the water together with 1 whole-plated onion. Boil until the meat is tender and f

Mains A little cayenne or chili Rosemary Salt ...

The onions are chopped quite nicely The vegetables are torn The nuts are chopped roughly Onion and curry are exchanged in the butter for about 5 minutes. Add the rest of the vegetables and simmer for about 5 minutes under the lid. Turn off the flare and a

Mains All types of root vegetables can be used Gullerødder -beef or vegetable broth ...

Pan, if any. Cutlets or brown them as they are on the forehead. Peel and rinse selected root vegetables, preferably in overdose, slice them into smaller pieces, favor the fruits on the bottom of the refractory dish, put the browned chop tops on top, pull stan