Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Pickling Atamon Vinegar Green Tomatoes ...

The tomatoes may not recognize. skinned or pricked. 1 boil together, and dsplay tomatoes (a little at a time) boil about 2 minutes is taken up. Sugar brine is boiled together. In this boil tomatoes 3-4 minutes (by size, large tomatoes maybe 10 minutes), sta

Pickling Atamon Dill crowns Ginger ...

Dot the tomatoes and make a layer of cooked-cold-water, vinegar and salt, put the tomatoes in it overnight. Boil 4 cups of this brine with sugar, ginger, cinnamon and tomatoes,-slightly-in 8 min, and place in glass. The brine is boiled into the ca. 20 mi

Lunch Margarine Eggs Water ...

Dough: Water lunes and yeast is mixed in it. Melted margarine added with ymer. Stir in eggs and flour are added to the dough is smooth and supple. Dough raise ½ hour. The dough is kneaded again. Share it like in several parts, so it is easier to work with t

Lunch Lettuce leaves Salt Mustard ...

Water and fat boiled together. The flour is sprinkled in, and the mixture is taken by. Salt and 2 eggs whipped in. It 3. eggs whipped together in a bowl and beat in a little at a time, until you can "write with dough". The dough placed on a baking sheet approx

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Crack the cucumbers lengthwise and scrape the seeds out with a spoon. Slice the cucumbers over sometime. Boil the cucumbers in lightly salted water for about 5 minutes. Take them gently and with a slotted spoon and let the water drive off. Pour the cream over

Sides Salt Butter Sugar ...

The water to the boil and then salt, rice and raisins are added. Boil for 40 minutes until the rice is just tender, not more. Can be refined with a little butter and very little sugar. Tips: This is from an old Cookbook and cooking time is very long-may

Mains From 0.5 to untreated finely grated lemon and 0.5 untreated orange Water Fresh finely grated ginger ...

the olive oil is heated in a pan. Add the garlic, lemon peel, ginger, onions, carrot and chili Cook for 5 min. Add the rest Cook for 20 minutes. Came the meat in the hot marinade and let stand, preferably 18-24 hours so you can not avoid the praise of your gue

Mains Cream Meljævning Pepper ...

Put the ducks in 2/3 red wine and 1/3 water, for they are covered. Came oil and spices in the marinade and let the ducks stand in the-cool and under pressure-in approximately 24 hours. Dry the ducks before they Brown on all sides. Use the siede marinade as wet