Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Buffets Dill Onion Tomato ...

'S and filetér herrings. Let them water down approx. 4 hours. Boil the vinegar, sugar, water and spices together a couple of minutes and let it cool. Let the herring fillets drip well of, put it in the brine and let infuse for at least 6 hours.

Buffets Lage Sherry or madeira Juniper ...

Lagen boils up, cooled. Chopped onion and tomato puree added. Season with sherry or madeira. Herrings, cut into serving pieces and put it in the brine. Herrings have well by dragging a piece of time.

Bread, buns & biscuits Ground caraway Water Honey ...

Came the cracked rye and wheat kernels in a large bowl and pour over them with one litre of boiling water. Stir in honey, oil and comings in and cover the dish with tin foil and let it stand and pull at room temperature for 2 days. Dissolve the yeast in 1 c

Desserts (cold) Vinegar Crystal granulated sugar Water ...

Sugar and water to the boil and skimmed, after which the vinegar is added. When sugar brine begins to become smooth, taken a crack test in the following manner: a stick or handle of a wooden spoon dipped in cold water, then in sugar sheeting, and finally ag

Mains A little grated nutmeg Olive oil for frying Pepper ...

The eggplants, cut into ca. 1 cm-thick slices on the long part, and placed in salted water about 1 hour. Thus dragged the bitter flavours out. Rinse the Eggplant slices under cold water then, and let them drain. Eggplant slices fried golden in olive oil. Me

Mains EVS. saucemel Pepper (freshly ground) Coarse salt ...

Let the butter is golden in a frying pan. Brown the fillet of beef 2 min. on each side (4 min. in total). Pour water and spices in. Roast the fillet on a low heat and under the lid ca. 15 min. on each side (30 total). Screw if necessary. up the heat for a mome

Cakes in form Water Baking soda Ground almond ...

Lemons are boiled in water for an hour. When they are cooled by the, and the kernels are removed shall be halved. Chop roughly and add to lemons in a blender with 1 dl of boiling bed sheet. Blend. Pressure then lemon pureen through a sieve. Pour the sugar and

Candy Icing sugar A little color and flavoring Corn flour (sifted) ...

Put a thick-bottomed pan over the stove on medium heat with the sugar, glucose and 2 dl of water. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the solution to a boil without stirring. Increase the heat and boil until sugar solution reaches a