Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Oil for deep frying Pepper Salt ...

Put the meat in a bowl and stir it with salt, pepper, pressed garlic, grated onion, bread crumbs and egg. Stir well and share the forcemeat into 12 pieces, pressed a little flat. Stir the cheese soft with water and place it on the father's pieces, which rolled

Desserts (warm) Lemon juice thereof Honnigmelon Oil ...

Remote partitions and seeds from Chili's, and chop them roughly. Peel and remove seeds and melon papayer. Papayerne now in long rods and melon cut into cubes. heat oil in wok and fry the Chili's 1 min, add papayaer and melon and cook 2 min. and pull it up. pou

Lunch Frying oil Pepper Salt ...

Water and butter are boiling up, sprinkle in flour and stir into a batter. Should drop the pan. Take it off the heat and whisk in the eggs one by one. Turn cautious cheese stiftpiskede egg white in Turn in. and molded into small buns. Cooker (a few at a

Desserts (warm) Oil to freely ring Butter Water ...

Cut the bananas into very large, thick slices. Beat the egg whites lightly with corn flour flour. Turn the first bananas in wheat flour, and then in the egg white. Heat oil in a pan and cook the banana pieces, until golden. Take them up and put them on the fat

Mains White pepper Oil for deep frying Salt ...

Rinse the fillets and cut them into strips (2 cm. Wide). Pour lemon juice over, sprinkle with salt and pepper and let infuse for 30-40 minutes. Stir the flour with water, eggs, parsley and spices. Stir in soda in eventually and let it stand and pull approx.

Mains Chili sauce Lemon Oil coconut oil or other frying fat ...

Start with the beignet dough. Mix the flour and salt and stir in water and beer in a klumpfri jævning. Add the fat. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes. Beat the egg white stiff and fold it in. Liberate the prawns for shell and dry them. heat fedstoffet-when a f

Sides Oil Turmeric Ground ginger ...

Boil the potatoes with the peel on for 10 minutes, drain and arrow the potatoes. Getting oil in a wok or frying pan, warm the oil up and FRY some potatoes at a time until they are golden brown, remove them with a slotted spoon and let them drain on fat suck

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Salt Unboiled rice ...

The rice is cooked according to instructions on the packaging. The cooked rice, add 7 dl. cold water. When it has cooled to about 40 degrees, add yeast salt and honey. When the yeast has dissolved, add the other ingredients. Hold a little back for st view on w