Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Sauces Corn flour jævning Vinegar Sugar ...

Water sugar vinegar and pure pour into a pan and boil lightly Taste if there is any more sugar or vinegar in it Smoothing maizena and water pour a little so that it is right Can be used for baked shrimp and other.

Sides Chili at will Fenugreek seeds Coriander seeds ...

Heat the oil on a pan Bring all the dry stuff on the other and warm until it starts to smell. Get the tail in a minihacker with the puree and blend into a pasta.

Salads A large cluster of flat-leaf parsley A large tuft Mint Pine nuts or other nuts ...

Boil the bulgus in chicken stock as directed. Cool. Mix a dressing of oil, tomato paste, crushed garlic and lemon juice. Chop tomato, pepper, cucumber and onion nicely and mix. Chop mint and and parsley and come into the vegetable mix. It's important that t

Mains Sour cream Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Put all ingredients into the bean dish in a saucepan and warm up and simmer on medium for five minutes. Put on a deep plate. Pour the bean dish into the plate to the edge of the recess. Sprinkle oregano over the dish. Make a spiral of creme fraice with a spoon

Mains Curry and allround Paprika Pepper ...

Cut the sausages in half and warm them on a high-browed pan. Meanwhile, the potatoes are cut into pieces on the size of the sausages. The potatoes add and little after tomato paste. Sausages and potatoes must not be very brown. When the puree is mixed in the f

Soups EVS , round grain milled (a handful) Pepper ...

Boil water and broth. While boiling, potatoes and onions must be peeled. Coriander chopped. Onions are chopped into small square cubes. All ingredients, potatoes and sprouts are mixed together. The meatballs are formed. Put pork buns in meatballs, which must

Mains Olive oil for frying Salt Cinnamon ...

Boil the pasta. Chop onion and garlic, chop it in a saucepan with a little olive oil. Add the spices (turmeric, cinnamon and oregano) and season them with tomato sauce with low heat. Peel carrots and tear them well. Cut out the squash. Add the vegetables an

Lunch Optional with spices Tomato puree Wheat flour ...

Take your pears and cut them into slices / pieces. Find a dish and pour your cream together with the puree and stir it around. Take the spices in which you feel the most like you. Put and put your spaghetti over and boil. Bring your dish to 200 degrees for 10