Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains A little lemon juice Little sprinkle curry powder Pepper ...

In a flat-bottomed pot, chopped onions are sautéed in butter. They must not turn brown. Add mushroom and lemon juice. Stir well. Sprinkle with peppers, curry, salt and pepper. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. On a frying pan, the ostrich smoked in butter. Sprinkle

Mains Fresh Rosemary Olive oil Pepper ...

Divide the pigeons into quarters and brown them in a little olive oil. First with the skin side down. Season with salt and pepper. Add rosemary, garlic and tomato sauce. Shake it together and add red wine. Boil it through and add ¼ l of water. Let it simmer fo

Appetizers Duebouillon Juniper EVS. a few plums or prunes ...

Cut the duel years and the breast meat from the duke hooks. Sprinkle the meat with plenty of salty salt and leave it for 6-8 hours at room temperature or twice as long on the fridge. Boil a strong broth on the hull: Brown the legs well in a thickened pot. B

Mains Pepper Salt Sour cream or cream ...

Cut meat and bacon into thick strips, shake in margarine until golden. Chopped onions are finally shaken. The pot is taken from the heat. Peppers are added. The pot is heated again. Purified mushrooms are divided if large and mixed in stirring. When t

Mains Baked beans Cayenne pepper Chili powder ...

Bring the meat into a large flat-bottomed bowl and crumble it with a fork. Cover with lid and microwave at 900 watts for 4 min. Stir around the meat with a fork and crumble it. Add chopped onions, pepper in tern, garlic, peeled tomatoes, tomato sauce, chilli p

Mains English sauce Chinese, amongst other things, spice Sesame oil ...

Put the meat in a dish. Mix honninh, soy sauce, tomato sauce, mustard powder, soy sauce, vinegar and English sauce. Pour the mixture over the meat and turn them several times to cover all the meat. Cover the dish and let the meat marinate for 1/2 hour. Put the

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Pour and chop the bulbs and put them in butter in a large saucepan. Sprinkle peppers over. Add tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes and broth. Let it boil. Get the chopped meat for a little while. Stir well so it crumbles. Add potatoes and peppers. Boil for approx.

Mains Lemon pepper Dill Chopped tomatoes ...

The fish is cleaned, seasoned with dill and lemon pepper and roasted approx. 20 min. At 200 degrees. Cream, tomato sauce and chopped tomatoes are stirred together and the sauce poured over the fish, which is gratified approx. 10 min.