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Recipes with Salt

Midnight snacks Lemon juice Cress Mayonaise ...

Cut the crust of the loaves, put one pack of bread on a plate. Mix tuna (where the oil is poured) with half of mayonaise, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, salt pepper and a can of corn. Spread it evenly on the bread. Cut the cucumber into slices and put an edge a

Various EVS. garlic Pepper Salt ...

Put the chicken meat in a refractory dish. Mix coke and ketchup together with tabasco, ginger, salt and pepper for a thin sauce and pour it over the chicken. Cut squash, onions and peppers into small terns and put them in a fireproof dish. Pour the broth

Mains All around spice Bacon into strips Bøfkrydderi ...

Bake beef and pork in a bowl of feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, garlic, oatmeal and milk, salt and pepper, all together and come in a refractory dish or French bread. The bacon is on top of like the left hair into The oven (hot air) 200 degrees for ab

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour to fit Honey Oil ...

Dissolve yeast in the water. Add honey, lettuce, oil and 5-grain mix. Finally add the flour. Peeled through and raised for 1 hour. The dough is thrown down and shaped into a bread, like a bread that raises half an hour. Bake at 200 degrees.

Mains Oil Salt Soy sauce ...

3 dl rice is boiled according to the instructions on the package and cooled. The peppers are cut into the tern (about 1x1 cm). The meat is cooked in a wok or pot in oil with a little soya. Add green beans, crushed garlic and peppers. Let it roast unt

Mains Pepper Salt Grape seed oil ...

Use good and lean beef. The fresh herbs can be mixed, almost as you like. In addition to garlic, it is good to use two other kinds of herbs. Choose between parsley, thyme, daffodil, oregano, basil, estragon or anything else. Chop them roughly with a knife, cru

Mains Salt Sugar Dijon mustard ...

Bring the ham in a pan of water that just covers and bring it to the boil. Slice whole cloves into the pilled onions and put them in the pan with peppercorns. Let the ham boil quite slightly for approx. 2 hours. Take it up and let it swallow for half an hour.

Various Garlic Onion Salt ...

First cook onion and garlic. Mash the avocados and mix it all together so it looks like a good time talk. tips: Put it in the fridge, so it will be very good, serve it on top of a piece of bread.