Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Lunch (to go) Eggs Eggs to swabs with Salt ...

1. Smell the milk and dissolve the yeast. Add div. Flour and other ingredients and knead the dough smoothly. 2. Leave the dough to rest for a couple of minutes. Then divide it into 8 pieces. Roll each piece to approximately 12 x 12 cm. Then add 1 piece of h

Mains Pepper Salt Gurgemeje ...

The cutlets are browned in the margarine in a deep pan and spiced on each side with salt and pepper. Simultaneously add onion and garlic. Then pour the coconut milk and the rest of the ingredients, the minima cut into quarters before adding. Season with sal

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Oil Water ...

Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water and then add all the ingredients. Then add the flour a little at a time until the dough does not stick to your fingers when you knead it. Then you let the dough rise for 30 minutes. Pour the dough through again and sha

Breakfast & brunch Salt Sugar Wheat flour ...

This is done according to the following formula: date temperature (27 degrees) is multiplied by 2 = 54 degrees minus the temperature of the flour (in my case 23 degrees) = a water temperature of 31 degrees. The dough is kneaded together and raises for half

Mains Oil Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Chop or tear all vegetables and then place them in a frying pan. Mix grated cheese and rasp enough to cover the surface in a fairly thick layer. When the vegetables have fallen together, season with thyme, salt and pepper. 4 eggs are poured onto the surface an

Mains Chicken (thighs or fillet) Butter or margarine Curry ...

Karrysovs: Begin with the sauce so it is ready when the dish is to be put in the oven. Season onion and bacon together for a few minutes. Sprinkle with curry and simmer for a moment. Mix flour and tomato paste. Add boullion and sprinkle from the pineapple and

Dressing Pepper Basil Tarragon ...

Chives and parsley must be chopped So the rest came in a bowl, but not creme fraishe because it should be stirred first before creme fraishe got a bit of time, but stir slowly or else it may get too thin. Let green creme fraishe rest for at least 1 hour in

Sauces Pepper Salt Soy ...

Stir flour and cream together. Add the rest. Let it boil for a few minutes tips: Serve cranberries and boiled potatoes for the Swedish meatballs