Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Cookies Vanilla sugar Eggs Baking soda ...

Preparation: 15 min. Cooking 15-18 min. Set the oven to 150 degrees Bring sugar and brown dumplings into a bowl and crumble the cold butter. Mix with the electrician for a moment. Bring eggs, vanilla sugar, baking soda and salt into the bowl and mix wel

Lunch Pepper Salt Romaine Lettuce head in coarse strips ...

Cooking time: 25 min Turn the oven to 175 degrees. Place the breadcrumbs on a baking sheet and grate them in the oven for a few minutes until they are crisp and golden. In the meantime a frying pan is heated. Sprinkle the chicken strips with salt and pep

Sandwiches Allspice Pepper Onion (alm.) ...

Chop liver, sprouts, anchovies and onion through the meat machine once or twice, depending on how rough your liver is to be. Then mix the liver and the bowl, stir thoroughly so that you have a very even and mixed mass. The loaf is chopped very finely so it

Cakes Salt Baking soda Ymer ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Mix flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Findel the fat in the flour mixture, either with your fingers or an electric whip. Add yams and work the dough fast together. Do not overheat your fingertips. Divide the

Salads Salt Cottage cheese Avocado ...

Cut the cooked cold potatoes into smaller pieces and mix with cottage cheese. Slice avocado, sugar peas and spring onions into small pieces and mix with the potatoes. Add spinach and lemon juice and stir well until the spinach leaves fall slightly. Taste wi

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Cut chicken into small pieces, cut into cubes, squeeze and whip it all together on the forehead / wokgryde (add some salt and pepper here to give the chicken a little flavor too). Pour bamboo shoots and baby maize in. Cut the onions and chili and put them in,

Base recipes Eggs Salt Oil ...

Everything except wheat flour is stirred together. Wheat flour is added slightly at a time. The dough is rolled out, preferably between 2 pieces of plastic bags or baking paper. The dough is put in lubricated form and dotted with a fork. Additionally, bakin

Mains Possibly a little cheese Salt Leek ...

Cook pasta. Cut the pears in strips and Stir eggs, cream, milk, salt, cheese, ham together and add the porridge. The pasta must cover the bottom of the mold and pour the mixture over until the paste is covered. Baked for 30-35 min at 200gr.