Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sides Pepper Olive oil Salt ...

Preheat the oven to 230 degrees C. alm. oven. The potatoes are washed thoroughly and ducked dry. Mix the potatoes (cut into 2 cm pieces) with olive oil, oregano, lemon juice, salt and pepper, in a baking form. Bake potatoes for 30 minutes, stirring regul

Sides Freshly ground pepper Salt Melted butter or margarine ...

Cut the potatoes into quite thin slices. (Use the cutlery in a food processor or a cucumber) Grease a 20 cm cast iron pan or pie form with 1 tablespoon of butter. Put one third of the potato slices in a circle, slightly overlapping, over the bottom. Sprinkl

Mains A splash of olive oil A little chopped garlic A little chopped parsley ...

Heat a saucepan with a little olive oil and sweat all the vegetables in here: onion, garlic, pepper, tomato and carrots. Add the bacon and mushrooms and let them straighten for a moment as you touch. Bring the lentils, salt, pepper and water into it. Add parsl

Appetizers A splash of jerez fino A splash of olive oil A few slices of air-dried Spanish ham parma ham or shredded ...

Heat a frying pan and put the mushrooms and garlic in, pour ham and parsley in and finally shrimp. Leave them for a minute and come Fino i. Salt (gently because of the salt of the ham) and pepper on. Stir well and let it concentrate slightly before serving. Ea

Sides Mushroom A few drop of olive oil Minced garlic ...

Remove the sticks from the mushrooms and put them on a hot pan with a few drops of olive oil with the hat upwards, after a minute, turn them over and add a mixture of salt, garlic, parsley and olive oil into the holes (where the stick was) For the heat and giv

Mains Puff pastry Cream A little corn flour or wheat flour ...

Mushroom Stove: Bring some fat on the forehead and warm it slightly. Season the onion and garlic and add the mushrooms to them. Bring salt and pepper. When the mushrooms are toasted, add cream, possibly a little sprinkle of maizena or wheat flour and let it al

Sides A little chopped garlic Olive oil Pepper ...

Put some olive oil on the forehead and warm it up a little. Season garlic and add the mushrooms to them. Bring salt and pepper. Served on toast or on pasta. They are also good as accessories for meat.

Appetizers Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Put some fat on the forehead and heat it slightly. Season the onion and garlic and add the mushrooms to them. Bring salt and pepper. When the mushrooms are toasted, add cream, possibly a little sprinkle of wheat flour and let it all stand and get a bit thicker