Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Lunch Lemon Pepper Salt ...

The herring drips well. Mix the cream fry well together. Season with salt, pepper and lemon. Add leek and finally herring. Let them like to pull a little.

Sauces Salt Milk Wheat flour ...

Take a medium-sized pan and heat it at 6 on the stove. Melt the butter and whip the flour. Pour the milk until the mixture becomes slightly thicker. Whip constantly and put the grated cheese and salt in. Continue whipping all the ingredients together. It take

Mains Peas Peeled tomatoes Cream ...

The spaghetti is boiled according to the package's instructions. Meanwhile, the oil is heated, in turn, onions, tuna, peas and corn are swirled. Flaked tomatoes and cream are added. It is boiled and simmered about 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Spagh

Mains Flute Pepper Salt ...

Season the chopped onions in margarine until they are crisp but not brown. Add the chopped meat and stir until the meat has split. Add curry, salt and pepper and and let the curry sweat. Add coarse chopped mushrooms, peppers cut into small terns, danglin

Sides Cucumber Salt Large Garlic (according to taste) ...

Tear the half cucumber. Then put the sliced ​​cucumbers on some kitchen roll where you squeeze the juice out of the cucumber, if necessary, a sink. As the juice is completely squeezed out, the cucumbers are put into a bowl. Add Greek yogurt, salt and crushed g

Mains Pepper Salt Flour ...

Chopped chopped chives until cooked in 6 dl milk. A smoothing of the flour is stirred and the rest of the milk, the sauce is leveled, it must be thick. Season with salt and pepper and serve with butterflies. The reflexion fillets are served whole with onion

Sides Garlic powder Paprika Pepper ...

The potatoes are peeled and halved. They are put in a greased fireproof dish. Bring a small stick of butter on top of each potato and sprinkle with salt, pepper and possibly peppers and / or garlic powder Behind the potatoes at 200 degrees for approx. 45

Sides Pepper Salt Savoy cabbage ...

Remove the leaves as well as the stick, cool the halves. Cut into medium strips. Grapes are halved, core removed if these are not nuclear-free. The cabbage is blanched for a few minutes in boiling saline, boil in and boil for a few minutes. Cream is added and