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Recipes with Rye flour

Lunch Vinegar A little sugar Margarine or oil ...

Sildefiletterne reversed in rye flour salt and pepper-the FRY st and put on fat sucking paper-the sliced onions and peppers then Sauté in the Pan-vinegar water tomato concentrate and cream poured over-it boils well through and season with sugar and vinegar-the

Bread, buns & biscuits Lemon juice Wheat sources Rye kernels ...

mix bagepulvert with the dry ingredients add lemon juice and sirupet and the grated carrots and junket stir it all together into an airy dough butter a mold which can hold around one and a half litres litres of powdered form with wheat tickled in the style the

Cakes Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda Oil ...

Cremefraice, oil, salt and buttermilk stirred together in a bowl. Flour, rye flour, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda are mixed and stirred into the bowl, little by little. Bake in waffle iron, greased with oil

Lunch Margarine for frying Pepper Rye flour ...

Herrings fried cooled and poured over with sheeting. Acetic and sugar cooked up with peppercorns and laur leaves. When it is slightly cooled, beat that ketckupi. It tastes good with a sea of thin onion rings on top. (much like in bed sheet also)

Soups Wheat flour Garlic Salt ...

Boil a broth of the soup vegetables and 1 ½ l. water. Shortly before straining, add the sausage. Peel the potatoes, cut them into large cubes and boil them in lightly salted broth. Mix the flour with a little water and add to the broth along with Ryemeal so

Mains Pepper Rye flour Salt ...

Cut the redecorated garfish in ca. 8 cm long pieces. Remove carefully the Green legs. The fish must be like double filet, IE. without the back is cut up Peel and chop the onion, garlic, Basil and Parsley-stuffed them in the fish. The fish turned into flour wit

Lunch Onion rings Pepper Rye flour ...

mix the rye flour with some salt and pepper and flip sildefiletterne herein. Fry the fillets Golden in abundant margarine and style them to cool. Make sure they are completely cold before they put in the marinade. While fillets cooling off made the marinade. M

Lunch Rye flour Salt Black malabar pepper ...

Herrings with skin side down, so that they are open. Mustard and horseradish is stirred together and lubrication caution on herring meat, near Middle piece. Rye flour mixed with salt and Malabar pepper. The herrings are closed and reversed it. The butter is