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Recipes with Rye flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Lukewarm water Sourdough from the last baking ...

1. day The dough, which is a "soft mass", stir 10 mrn. with the mixer (or el-whips). Stand covered at room temperature until the next day. 2. day 2 dl. the dough is taken from for the next baking, sprinkle ½ tbsp. Salt coarse salt over. Be made cool. (=

Bread, buns & biscuits Dates that are cut into smaller pieces Wheat flour-as much as the dough now can take without getting dry Dried cranberries ...

Yeast dissolved in lukewarm water Oil added dates and cranberries stirred into the rye flour and wheat bran is added and stirred well wheat flour is added-so much as the dough can take without the dough becomes too dry. knead the dough soft and supple Ra

Lunch (to go) EVS Melted fat Salt ...

The yeast in a large bowl, break into pieces and stirred into the water. margarine, salt and syrup is added. A total of rugmelet touched in væsknen. Half of wheat flour is added and the dough is stirred well. Add enough flour dough release the bowl. Sprinkle

Bread, buns & biscuits Pumpkin seeds when the dough has come in the molds Soaking down rye kernels Ingredients are stirred together and stand by ...

Sourdough and rye kernels touched with rye flour and soaking down dark syrup approximately ten minutes. The dough should be very soft. Let it rest in a warm place for about half an hour. Use small molds or muffin tins silicone molds where appropriate. Butte

Base recipes A little water Salt Buttermilk ...

surdejen should look like oatmeal. (consistency) sprinkle a little coarse salt over dæg dough with film, and allow to stand about 2 days, on the kitchen table. So it should be ready for use

Bread, buns & biscuits Leaven (a good large cup) Rye flour Lukewarm water ...

A: mix together in a large pot/Bowl and rests obscured in 12-24 hours. (B): a. a good mix in large cup of sourdough is taken from in a glass and covered with coarse salt. Put lid on and put in the refrigerator. (Surdejen should preferably be used within 1 ½

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Syrup Yeast ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water. It all come together and stir well. Kneaded and shaped like a thick sausage placed in a greased baking Tin. Raised in about 1 hour in a warm place. Bake on one of the lower-rilleri ca. 45 minutes at 180 c. Tips:

Lunch Dijon mustard Dill tips Pepper ...

Wash the herring fillets well and let them drain. Fold sildefiletterne out with skin side down, butter with dijon mustard and sprinkle with green dill tips, or dried dill. Fold together and turn them into fillets rye flour. FRY in butter in a large frying p