Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter

Soups Pepper Salt Strong paprika ...

melt the butter and sauté briefly, tomato concentrate, mint and paprika. Add water and bouillon. Season with salt and pepper. Let the right cook up and add the pasta, and simmer about 10 – 15 minutes until the pasta is cooked through. Serve with the bread.

Cakes Vanilla pod Eggs Wheat flour ...

Dough: Bring water and fat to a boil. Add the flour all at once and stir krafitigt until the dough is baked together. Set it to cool. Whisk the eggs together and add them a little at a time. Pipe the dough in between, it should be quite fast. Set it on a greas

Cakes in form Coconut Cream Salt ...

Stir in butter and sugar white. Mix rest of ingredients in and pour the batter into a greased round shape. Bake at 225 degrees C in 15-20 minutes. Glaze: boil the water and sugar to a syrupy consistency. It takes a long time, stir well. Stir chocolate and b

Cakes in form Cocoa Cinnamon, ground Cardamom, ground ...

Mix the dry ingredients, crumble the butter in milk Tubes in.. Divide the batter into 2 greased Round Cake molds or a baking pan with baking paper. Bake at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about 40 minutes. Allow to cool. Glaze: melt the butter in a saucepan an

Cakes in form Salt Milk Sour cream ...

Melt butter, add water and cocoa, and heat to boiling. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well. Pour into a greased baking pan. FRY at 189-200 degrees C in approximately 20-30 minutes. Glaze: melt the butter in a pan, add the rest of the ingredients a

Sides Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Makaronierne cooked tender. The butter is melted, stir in the flour and the milk is stirred in gradually., and the sauce is cooked through, while stirring vigorously. The eggs are whisked together and stir into the sauce, along with half of the cheese. Season

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon shell thereof ...

Butter, garlic and lemon blended together with lemon-garlic butter. Let it possibly. stand an hour or so, so the flavor from lemon and garlic pieces pulls out in the butter. Low two pockets between the skin and the flesh on each Turkey leg. Put lemon-hvidløs b

Mains Anise powder Fennel Fresh herbs ...

Fish stock, beer and whipping cream boils down to smooth consistency, blended with fresh herbs, season with salt. A dish brush with the melted butter. The fish to be laid side by side on the dish, krydes with salt and pour over with a normal temperature. Pilsn