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Recipes with Butter

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Butter Yeast ...

Raise time 1-1 ½ hours. Prepare a smooth batter of flour, yeast, salt and 2 ½ dl milk. The dough should only just kneaded through, then add the rest of the milk while stirring. The dough obscured and must then raise a good hour or so. Heat a blinnis-pane

Sides Pepper Coarse salt Water ...

Slice the potatoes lengthwise and share through each half into 4 boats. Potato boats came in boiling water with salt and cook them, covered, for about 10 min. Pour the potatoes into draining in a sieve. Let the butter is golden in a frying pan. Came the pot

Desserts (patisserie) Strawberries, fresh Whipped cream Milk ...

Bottom: Butter a springform with butter. Whip the eggs are light and airy with sugar. Melt chocolate over hot water bath, cool it a bit and whip it in the egg mixture. Melt the butter in the water. Sift flour, cornstarch and baking soda and flip it into the do

Sandwiches A little fintklippet chives Radish in slices Butter ...

Cut the tomato into slices. Butter bread with butter. On top of the bread is added tomato slices, so they cover the bread. Put now a couple of teaspoons. full of summer salad in a central stripe down over the tomatoes so it's neat. Garnish with radisseskiver i

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Cut the rodskiven of the Rose Bowl and rid them of dead leaves and rinse them well. Boil them 5 min. in salted water and drain. Stir the meat with flour-milk-eggs and salt and pepper to taste. Put stuffing in a buttered ovenproof dish and benefit rose th

Cakes Apples Chocolate Chopped nuts ...

Knead the flour, butter and buttermilk together into a uniform dough. Sprinkle a little flour on the Board and roll out. Cut the so so many pointy triangles you can get out of the rolled piece of dough. put the filling (not too big a BLOB/piece) at the w

Candy Skimmed milk Butter Acacia honey ...

Cocoa, powdered sugar and oatmeal mix. Butter, honey and skim milk is stirred in. chocolate (like over 50%) melted over low heat and Add. The whole thing is mixed well with the hands and rolled in coconut flakes. The Bullets made cold and stored in a plastikbo

Mains Wheat flour Herb mix Pepper ...

Tail tips are folded under the fish. The fillets are changed in flour, salt and pepper and FRY on a hot pan about 3 minutes on each side. All vegetables except spinach cut into slices. Start with the grates carrots 3-5 minutes in olive oil. Add the leeks