Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter

Cakes in form Strong coffee Butter Milk ...

smeldt butter, mix the rest together and add the butter when it is hand warm. cake in a baking pan that is greased well, bake at 200 degrees for about 40 minutes. Prepare glaze: in saucepan, melt butter, add flourmelis, kokusmel, cocoa, vaniliesukker and fi

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Salt Butter ...

Mix flour with sugar and salt in a bowl. Cut the butter into small pieces and findel it into the mix. Stir the yeast smooth with half of the water. The rest of the water came in and pour it into the bowl. Pipe the dough together. Knead the dough well through u

Mains Grated cheese Butter Large onion ...

Cut the potatoes and pepper moisture in small cubes. The bacon cut into small cubes. Onion chopped (very fine). klæk ægene out in a bowl, and whip it (by hand) along with the milk. Sauté onion and bell pepper in butter finhakket. Pour over potatoes and derf

Mains Salt Cognac Dijon mustard ...

Beef Tenderloin plastered by. Brown in butter in the Pan (the Pan should be able to go in the oven, possibly iron pot). Rubbed with dijon mustard, sprinkled with salt and crushed whole black pepper. Set the Pan in the oven at 200-220 degrees C for about 30 min

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Olive oil Pepper ...

Cut the aubergines into slices and sprinkle them with salt and let them stand for 10 min. Dup in paper towel, brush with oil and fry them on both sides in the oven at 250 degrees C alm. oven about 20 minutes until lightly golden. Vegetable sauces: Chop all

Breakfast & brunch Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Scrambled eggs: The whole eggs whipped together with the cream and season with salt and pepper. Met on a skillet (2 laps) with melted butter and invert gently, for the mass is stiff. It doesn't matter that scrambled nuisance gets a little color. Bacon: plac

Cakes Raisins Eggs Egg for brushing ...

Melt butter and mix with milk. Warm the mixture up until it is lukewarm (37 ° c). Crumble the yeast into a bowl and mix with a little of the lukewarm liquid. Pipes for the yeast is dissolved. Stir the Saffron into (see tips), sugar and beaten egg together. Mix

Mains Cucumber salad Cream Potatoes ...

Rinse the pigeons and fill them with parsley, salt, pepper and, if desired. a sugar cube. Brown doves in butter in a frying pan. An infant with soup or boulion. Fried tender for low heat. When they're done fried, si, if desired. the soup, and boil the thick wi