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Recipes with Apples

Salads Minced parsley Vinegar Sugar ...

Them scrubbed and cooked 10 min with Peel. Peel now rødberne and cut them into strips. Peel the apples and cut them in both. All ingrediener except parsley mix in a pan, add apples and beets and warm it through to the apples are tender approximately 10-15 min.

Mains Pepper Salt Carrots ...

The cabbage, pork chop, carrots and potatoes cut into small pieces, place in water with salt and pepper and boil slowly until tender. The shredded apples cook with for the last 10 minutes.

Cakes in form Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Break up the butter in the flour. Add salt, sugar, eggs and cream and knead it all together. The dough is resting cold for approx. 1 hour. The dough rolled out in 1/3 cm's thickness and cut into 2 round cakes about the size of a springform. One cake is used

Cakes in form Cinnamon Sour cream (cheasy 9%) Sugar ...

The apples cut into both and put into a greased casserole dish. (possibly a pie dish). The other ingredients, blending it in the food processor and break up over the apples. Bake at 200 degrees for about 25-30 my.

Desserts (cold) Almonds Egg yolks Whipped cream ...

The peeled apples halved and steamed tender in light syrup and cools. De halve apples out in a serving dish on either the macro. Egg yolks, sugar and vanilla sugar is stirred well before the whipped cream mixed with yogurt is reversed in. Poured over the apple

Cakes in form Eggs Oil Water ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Eggs and egg whites whipped well with sugar. Baking powder and wheat flour in the dough and the dough gather gently filtered together with water and oil. Apples peeled and cut into thin both. Cane sugar is sp

Desserts (patisserie) Icing sugar Cocoa Apples ...

Whip the cream stiff. Chop the nuts coarsely. Hug makronerne. Grate the apples coarsely. Mix it all together and came cognacen in the filling is added in between. pie bottoms. Mix glaze of powdered sugar, cocoa and a little water and place on top of the layer

Pickling Apples Lemons Rose hips ...

Let simmer for 3 dl water hybene for 30 minutes or until tender. Cut the apples into pieces without removing the peel and core. La the apples simmer in 3 cups water until tender. Add hybene in Apple stock. Sieve the juice through a juice bag or a cloth.