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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Chopped almonds for garnish Rod vanilla Wheat flour ...

Marzipan mass Marzipan and sugar kneaded. Butter is mixed in and then 1 egg at a time. Mix to a smooth paste. Smørdej The ingredients are blended and made cold. Roll the dough out to about 3 mm in thickness. Connector 10 round bottoms out of the dough

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Chopped chocolate Some small checkered apples ...

the stick-out batter according to the shape you want apple pie in Peel udkern o cut the apples into coarse pieces then put in a pan with a little water, sugar and cinnamon and steam them tender during regular mrøring to a fixed Compote or mos. leave to cool T

Desserts (warm) Sugar Margarine Eggs ...

Flour, eggs, milk and sugar, beat well together. Margarine is melted and stirred into the dough. If the dough is too thick then pour some more milk in. now there just butter on the Pan and then there some dough on, when deje begins to dance and be stiff at the

Desserts (warm) Zest and juice of 2 organic oranges Booze-URf.eks. Rum brandy or vodka Sugar ...

Crack egg and remove the stones. Pour well with sugar in a pan together with the vanilla, orange peel and juice. Melt it to a light golden caramel. Put the plums in karamellen shared, and crank down the heat. Put the lid on and let it mingle for about 10 min.

Desserts (warm) Aluminum foil Stir the yoghurt with honey Ouzo or pernod ...

Cut the peaches into coarse pieces and benefit them on 6 pieces of aluminum foil. Advantage raspberry and finely chopped lemon balm on top. Dripping with Ouzo and close packages. Take the grate of the grill. Here are a few old-fashioned meat hooks be good, oth

Desserts (warm) Sugar Eggs Vaniliesukker ...

1. Crumble the yeast into a bowl. 2. Melt the fat. Add the milk and let it be writer's hot! Pour the liquid over the yeast and stir until it is dissolved. 3. Add the sikkeret and as much wheat flour to dough release the bowl. 4. Let dough raise under a clot

Desserts (warm) Salt Eggs Wheat flour ...

1. stir the flour and milk to a jævning. 2. Beat the eggs and salt in. Let the dough to rest for 10 minutes. 3. heat the fat in the Pan and it in the dough. 4. Remove pan from heat and came approximately ½ dl dough on. Let it run out so the bottom of

Desserts (warm) Water Corn starch Sugar ...

Rinse and nip the berries. Boil them until tender in 2-3 minutes in water. Season to taste with sugar. Udrør majstivelsen with water. Pour smooth no in the porridge stirring. Cook the porridge in a minute. Tips: The following fruits are also suitable for f