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Recipes with Yeast

Bread, buns & biscuits Margarine Wheat flour Salt ...

The yeast is spread out in lukewarm water and melted margarine or 1 dl. Oil is added. The liquid and the flour were cooked to a uniform and smooth dough. It raises the cover for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into 2 and form for French bread and let them adhe

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Red tuborg Sifting ...

The yeast is crumbled and stirred with the beer lining to 35 degrees. The 3 dl. Sieve flour is added and the mixture is spun with a spoon until it is smooth and smooth. The sourdough is covered and set aside for approx. 24 hours after which it is kneaded with

Bread, buns & biscuits Coarse flour to sprinkle Together the beaten egg for brushing Salt ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Heat oil, water and syrup for approx. 37 degrees (finger heat) and dissolve yeast in a little of the hot liquid. Stir in the rest and add salt, coarse flour and most of the wheat flour. Bring it to a smooth dough with as much flour

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Oil Yeast ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Warm water and oil to approx. 37 degrees (finger warm) and dissolve the yeast in it. Add salt and most of the flour. Eat as much flour in the dough as it can take. Thoroughly care for approx. 10 minutes until the dough is smooth. C

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Bring butter and flour together and crumble it to a grit. Stir out the yeast with a little of the milk and pour it into the flour / butter mixture. Add the rest of the milk, ½ spoon egg (store the rest of the egg for brushing), sugar and salt. Add it to a smoo

Bread, buns & biscuits Poppy seeds to sprinkle Dough Garnish ...

Warm the milk and melt the fat. Pour the mixture over the crumbled yeast when it is finger warm. Add salt, sugar, egg yolk and half of the flour. Stir the dough vigorously. Add more flour. The dough must be lind and glue when set aside. The raised dough is

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Prepare the dough according to the instructions on the package and allow it to rise to double size a loose place. Beat the dough, knead it and divide it into 12 equal parts. Form them to buns and press them flat. Lay the flat bowls on a plate of baking pape

Bread, buns & biscuits Brown flax seeds, crushed Syrup Quinua-flour ...

The yeast is stirred in the water. Add salt and syrup, then add the other ingredients with the exception of coarse bread mix. The dough is thoroughly stirred and rests 3-5 minutes. Then add coarse bread mix and stir well again. The baking mold is lubricated wi