Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cookies Raspberry jam to fill Baking soda Milk ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Hæd flour and sugar in a bowl and mix it with your hands cut the butter into small pieces and got it in the flour mixture Smuller flour mixture and butter between your fingers make a recess in the melblandingen Beat genuine out

Cakes in form Baking soda Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Lemon peel ...

Peel the ripe pears, cut them into permanent quarters and remove flower, stem and core. Cut the pears into pieces (about 2 x 2 cm) and flip them immediately in the lemon juice. Beat the butter and sugar together until it crumbles. Whip eggs in one at a time

Cakes in form Cocoa Bicarbonate of soda Eggs ...

melt the butter and mix it together with sukkert. Add the rest of the ingredienderne. (except the dark and white chocolate!) Stir well to it is good and rich. melt the dark and chocolate together in a vandfad if the. pour it into the mixture. put wax pape

Cakes in form White chocolate Dark chocolate Milk ...

melt butter and pour it into a bowl along with the flour and sugar. add milk and eggs under rørningen. baking soda and vaniliesukker granted. pipe it well around. melt the dark chocolate and white chocolate then together in a vandfad. then pour it in. tube

Bread, buns & biscuits Melted margarine Fennel Cardamom ...

The water in a bowl. Break into pieces and stir the yeast in the water. Salt, sugar and spices are added according to taste. Sifting and wheat flour is added and the dough is kneaded until it is smooth and easy release the bowl. The dough is kneaded through on

Cakes in form Vanilla sugar Corn flour cornstarch Sugar ...

Butter, sugar and egg yolks, stirred together. Flour sifted with baking powder and add alternately with milk. The dough spread out in a greased baking pan 38 x 24 cm. Baking time is approx. 30 minutes at 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Rhubarb is cleaned and cut

Cakes in form Vaniliesukker Butter Eggs ...

1) melt the butter 2) whisk eggs and sugar foamy (like with electric mixer) 3) Mix flour, cocoa and vaniliesukker, the term mixture into egg mixture 4) Turn the melted fat in the dough 5) Pour batter into cake form ca. 27 cm in diameter 6) bake in 15-20 m

Cakes The dough Desiccated coconut Vaniliesukker ...

Dough: Mix flour, sugar, egg-, and melted butter in a bowl, whisk in 3 min and add the baking powder -Behind in the square for at 190 degrees for about 15-20 my. -When the cake is cold, cut it into square pieces ca. 8 x 8 cm. Glaze:-Mix butter, cocoa and