Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Pancakes: stir the flour and milk together. Stir in salt and eggs. Melt margerinen on the forehead and behind the pancakes of dough. They need to bake, so they are bright on both sides. Filling: Chop the onion finely. Sauté the onion in margerinen in a p

Cakes Oil or margarine for frying Residual rice pudding (1 deep dish) Sugar ...

Stir in flour and milk together, then stir in the porridge, whip the eggs and add them then in the porridge. Taste the porridge with sugar and vanilla to the right flavor is achieved. Rose BLOB pasties on a hot pan, the emphasis is on the forehead in BLOBs

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Small teaspoon. Salt Butter or oil ...

1. Warm the milk to hand warm and dissolve the yeast in it. 2. Add the remaining ingredients and knead the dough well about 5 minutes, until it is smooth and sleek 3. Let dough raise to double the size of ca. 20 min. 4. Turn the dough together, share

Buffets Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the cabbage up into a sieve and strain væden from, or let the cabbage fumes a bit of on the forehead. Let the spin 5-10 minutes in the pan with half of the butter and the whole piskefløden. Pipe a butter bun of the flour and the rest of the butter a

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Handful of sunflower seeds Salt ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water. Add all ingredients, the flour at the end. (dough should be sticky) Let dough raise in 30 min. Form dough balls EVS with spoons, since the dough should still be sticky. Let the dough balls raise additional 45 min. Brush buns w

Mains Sausages Salt Tomato puree ...

Cauliflower heads subordinated and shared each in 4 PCs. added in a saucepan and cover with water, sprinkled with a little salt. The Pan is brought to a boil and is switched off when the water is at a boil. set the Pan aside and let Cook for about 10 min fini

Desserts (warm) Salt Butter Sugar ...

Preparation: mix the flour, salt, sugar and cardamom. Beat eggs and milk together and stir it into the flour. Let dough pull in about 20 min. before baking. Arrow stem of the strawberries and cut them into quarters. Grate them on a hot pan and flamber them

Cakes in form Coffee cream The stroke tskf. baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Butter, sugar and vanilla sugar stir soft and foamy. Herein, beat one egg at a time, and finally the flour with the baking powder alternately with the cream and cokoladen. Chop it finely, melt it during baking and it should preferably lie more or less complet