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Recipes with Wheat flour

Desserts (warm) Juice from 1 app Salt Eggs ...

Whip it all together. Hot waffle iron on and brush it with a little margarine. Com 1 dl. dough on the plate and fry them until golden and crispy. Served warm with jam and vanilla ice cream

Cakes in form Reven should of 1 orange and ½ lemon Rome Butter ...

Stir in butter and sugar well before eggs in one at a time. If the dough separates, then came a couple of tablespoons. flour in. mix the 2 kinds of flour with baking powder and stir it into the batter along with Rome and the grated rind. Came the dough in a gr

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice according to instructions on package. Brown kødstrimlerne in oil and sprinkle with curry powder, salt and pepper. Roast the peppers with a few min. and got it all in a saucepan. Add the other ingredients and let the right småsimre 5-10 min. seaso

Cakes in form Milk Baking soda Desiccated coconut ...

All ingredients are stirred together at once. Remove the core from the apples with a House lays out and cut them into slices. The batter is poured into a cake form or baking pan. Apple boats tied up in and slightly desiccated coconut sprinkled over. Bake for a

Lunch Eggs Salt The Wiener sausage (Bavarian sausage) ...

Melt the margarine and pour the milk in and warm up to the mix is the writer's warm. Stir the yeast in the warm milk mixture and add salt writer's eggs and most of the flour. Knead the dough until it is soft and supple with the necessary flour. Let dejet ra

Soups All round spice Very little olive oil Paprika ...

Saute the onions and aubergines in oil. Dissolve the bouillion cube i4 dl water and pour it into the pan. Add the Turkey meat, red and yellow pepper and crushed garlic. make a meljævning with the last dl water and pour it into the then to taste with spices

Desserts (cold) Egg yolk Sugar Wheat flour ...

Bottom: Gather the dough and put it in a greased pie dish and bake it for about 12 minutes depending on oven (180 degrees in an hot air oven. URf.eks.) The bottom should be light brown and finished baked, but still a little soft. It stiffens when it cools off.

Bread, buns & biscuits Rye kernels or other cores Sourdough Lukewarm water ...

Surdejen is stirred with buttermilk, salt and sauces suit. 200 g 200 g rye flour, grains, 500. g. plain flour and 2.5 dl lukewarm water is stirred in. The dough should stand covered at room temperature for 24 hours. 400 g rye flour, 100 g. cores and 2.5 dl