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Recipes with Wheat flour

Cookies Salt Vanilleekstrakt Sugar ...

Put the dark sugar into a bowl. Check for lumps, since it tends to hard lumps. Add the alm. sugar and butter, and mix everything well together. Add the eggs and vanilla and whisk it together until it is "fluffy". Mix the flour, salt and bicarbonate of so

Desserts (warm) Syrup to taste Coffee Cup ymer/buttermilk Salt ...

whip the eggs, sugar and flour together, add the remaining ingredients. and let it raise the 45 min then are you doing some buns. of dough. cross the dough out and add one or two Toffees. and make some buns again. brush them with syrup and let them after raisi

Mains Pepper Pores Breadcrumbs ...

stir eggs flour onion salt and pepper together and let it rest for an hour in the refrigerator. Cook until barely tender pores and let them drain away. Væden is saved for the gravy. Take a paragraph silver paper and pour the breadcrumbs on got a nice spoonf

Cakes Salt Wheat flour Eggs ...

Whisk flour and milk together, then whipped eggs and salt in. heat the fat in the Pan and whisk it into the dough. More fat must not be used. Tips: To use a frying pan, which allows easy release. If this pan is used, the pancakes get a nice crisp edge

Mains Melted butter Lingonberry jam Wheat flour ...

Peel and grate the potatoes. Work together with salt and flour to a loose dough. Form dough into balls with your hands. Dip hands in cold water to make it easier. Slice the pork into small cubes. Make an indentation in each ball and put in 1 tablespoon of m

Cookies Eggs Wheat flour Almonds, peeled ...

The peeled almonds chopped. The first four ingredients together well and assembled finally break up with the egg. Rolled for 4 sausages with a diameter of 5 cm. be in the fridge for the Sausages are tough. Put them where appropriate in the freezer if you co

Cookies Wheat flour Eggs Cardamom ...

Mix cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda and kardemommen with the flour and sukkeren. Age or whipped together. Tilæt then the eggs and whisk them together with the flour or policy. (Show desired may melt some sugar in a frying pan until it is liquid, then add the d

Mains Wheat flour Peanuts Pepper ...

grate the carrots, and chop peanut late, then mix all ingredients together in a bowl, then it becomes a real Meatball dough. form meatballs and fry them on medium heat until they have been fried. Tips: EVS is served with boiled potatoes and a brown sauce.